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It was assumed that historians were the main users and that they were best served by chronological and subject arrangements. Historians themselves thought so. The descriptive practice of calendaring responded to this felt need among historians and was a |
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[Calendered paper is] given a smooth surface by rolling, when newly-made, between smooth cylinders under pressure. Paper which receives a minimum of calendering emerges as an antique. With more calendering it acquires a machine finish, then an English fin |
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[Broadsides] provide information, commentary, proclamation, or other announcement or advertisement. Primarily posted but also distributed by hand. They are usually less pictorial than posters and have more extensive text than signs. |
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Browsing is dynamic, interactive and iterative. . . . Browsing is an iterative process. Repeating the process refines your focus while broadening your knowledge. Accessing relevant information and interrelated ideas and concepts supports a fundamental c |
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The most pervasive characteristic of bureaucracy is the existence of a system of control based on rational rules, that is, rules meant to design and regulate the entire organization on the basis of technical knowledge and with the aim of achieving maximum |
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The classic mono-hierarchical theory of bureaucracy elucidated by Max Weber, in which each subordinate unit is responsible to one superior unit, has long been a thing of the past. Parallel structures, task forces and project teams, joined across organiza |
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The methodology for designing and implementing recordkeeping systems . . . helps organisations (i) identify what records they should make and keep to satisfy their business needs, accountability requirements and community expectations; (ii) develop and im |
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As to authorship, it may be worthwhile to restate that the author of the act is the person whose will produces the act. If this person is an abstract entity, like a university, its will coincides with the will of its representative(s) who act(s) in its na |
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Automatic data processing (ADP) [is] closely analogous to EDP [electronic data processing], since it is intended to distinguish computer data processing from data processing where significant human assistance or intervention is required. |
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An effective document retention policy, combined with a preservation approach triggered by the reasonable anticipation of litigation, would establish the principal source of discovery material, thus reducing the need to routinely access backup tapes or ha |
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[best practices] A business management term for optimal tactics and strategies. Best practices do not guarantee success; rather, they describe those tactics and strategies used in successful companies. |
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APPM went to some lengths drawing a distinction between bibliographic and archival description; to wit: the former relies more on formal presentation of elements and the subsequent transcription of those elements, the latter more on interpolation and supp |
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The authenticity of a record, or rather the recognition that it has not been subject to manipulation, forgery, or substitution, entails guarantees of the maintenance of records across time and space (that is, their preservation and transmission) in terms |
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Today the words [authentic and genuine] are interchangeable in most sentences, but a couple of distinctions do exist. First, 'authentic' is off-target when the sense is 'substantial'. . . . Second, 'authentic' is an awkward choice when the sense is 'since |
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Diplomatic authenticity does not coincide with legal authenticity, even if they both can lead to an attribution of historical authenticity in a judicial dispute. ¶ Legally authentic documents are those which bear witness on their own because of the |
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In law, 'authentic' is defined as 'duly vested with all necessary formalities and legally attested.' An authentic document is called by the law 'authentic act' and is defined as 'an act which has been executed before a notary or public officer authorized |
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'Authenticity' in recorded information connotes precise, yet disparate, things in different contexts and communities. . . . Beyond any definition of authenticity lie assumptions about the meaning and significance of content, fixity, consistency of referen |
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Validating authenticity entails verifying claims that are associated with an object – in effect, verifying that an object is indeed what it claims to be, or what it is claimed to be (by external metadata). ¶ It is important to note that tests of aut |
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Judgments about authenticity are based on assessments of the origins, completeness and internal integrity of a document. They may also draw from the consistency and coherence that exists between a particular source and others in the same context or of the |
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In archival science, authenticity is the quality of archival documents to bear reliable testimony to the actions, procedures and processes which brought them into being. |
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[Jenkinson] connected authenticity with continuous custody of archives by their creator and its legitimate successors. The argument is that the creating body has an interest in preserving its records free from any tampering that would affect their authent |
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Since the early Middle Ages, the art of composition and style was the subject of regular instruction, which determined the development of a sort of documentary rhetoric, called ars dictaminis or dictamen. |
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Many archives also house groups of material 'collected' for some reason, perhaps by a member of the community or organization, a previous archivist, or a local historian. For example, a member of the local historical society might have collected reference |
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Established in 1975 and incorporated in 1978, the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA) evolved from the Archives Section of the Canadian Historical Association (CHA). Today, based in Ottawa and with hundreds of members across the world, the ACA has a |
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[audiovisual work] Works that consist of a series of related images which are intrinsically intended to be shown by the use of machines, or devices such as projectors, viewers, or electronic equipment, together with accompanying sounds, if any, regardless |
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