SAA’s new Dictionary of Archives Terminology has superseded this Glossary as of 4/29/2020.

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The State [SHRAB] Coordinators realized in later years that when they acted in the capacity dictated by the NHPRC mandate, they crossed organizational lines between the mission of NAGARA and that of SAA and AASLH. Their charge was to chair boards in each

p. 38
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The State [SHRAB] Coordinators realized in later years that when they acted in the capacity dictated by the NHPRC mandate, they crossed organizational lines between the mission of NAGARA and that of SAA and AASLH. Their charge was to chair boards in each state and thereby work with archivists, historians, records managers, librarians, elected and appointed government officials, and other professionals. . . . For practical purposes, in 1989, the coordinators formed themselves into a group called the Council of State Historical Records Coordinators, or COSHRC.

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