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I. Purpose
The SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force to Revise the Statement on Access to Research Materials in Archives and Special Collections Libraries (hereafter “Task Force”) is responsible for reviewing and revising a Joint Statement that was last released by the two organizations in 2009. The Task Force should recommend any and all revisions that would bring the Statement up to date, and should consider two points raised by the SAA Committee on Public Policy:
The Statement will be submitted for approval by the executive bodies of SAA and the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and ACRL’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS). The Task Force will recommend a plan for periodic review of the Statement at the time the Statement is submitted to SAA and ACRL/RBMS for approval.
II. Selection, Size, and Length of Term
The Task Force is charged for a period that begins in September 2017 and continues through the August 2019 SAA Annual Meeting. The Task Force will include six members, with an equal number of members appointed by SAA and ACRL according to their normal appointment procedures. A Task Force member may be a member of both organizations but will be appointed to the Task Force representing one organization only. In addition to the committee members, ex officio members and liaisons may be appointed by each organization according to its normal procedures.
Due consideration will be given by each organization to appointing members who have the requisite knowledge and experience in access to research materials in archives and special collections libraries, and particularly those with knowledge of changes in this area since the 2009 Statement was issued.
One member appointed by each organization will be designated to serve as a Task Force co-chair. The co-chairs will be responsible for convening Task Force meetings, leading Task Force work, ensuring that deadlines are met, following procedures of their respective organizations, and communicating as needed or required with the executive bodies and staffs of their respective organizations.
III. Reporting Procedures
The Task Force co-chairs will report to the SAA and ACRL/RBMS executive bodies according to the following schedule:
More frequent reports are welcome but not required.
IV. Duties and Responsibilities
To fulfill its purpose as described above, the Task Force is specifically charged to:
V. Meetings
The Task Force will carry out its charge primarily via electronic mail, conference calls, and online meetings in accordance with the meeting policies of the respective organizations. Face-to-face meetings may also be scheduled during the SAA Annual Meeting (pending space availability) and the midwinter and annual meetings of the American Library Association. Task Force members will be encouraged but not required to attend face-to-face meetings in person.
Minutes will be prepared for each face-to-face meeting and any conference call or online meeting that meets policy definitions for a meeting, and the minutes will be posted within thirty days to the public websites of the respective organizations.
Approved by the SAA Council in August 2017.