Christine Diindiisi McCleave, M.A.

Christine Diindiisi McCleave, enrolled citizen of Turtle Mountain Ojibwe Nation, is Executive Director for the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition. McCleave's grandfather attended Marty Catholic Indian Boarding School in SD and Haskell Indian Boarding School in Kansas. Her great grandfather attended Carlisle Indian School. Boarding school’s inter-generational impacts on her personal life and children’s lives led McCleave to complete her Master of Arts in Leadership research on the spectrum of spiritual practices between traditional Native American spirituality and Christianity and the legacy of the boarding schools on spiritual activities and Indian Activism today. McCleave is trained in Trauma-Informed Practices, is a GONA facilitator, a Historical Trauma Recovery Specialist, a KAIROS Blanket Exercise Facilitator, and a fellow of the Nexus Community Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute. McCleave also has a Mini-MBA in Non Profit Management from St. Thomas University and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies from Northwestern College. She previously worked in Communications and Marketing at Indian Land Tenure Foundation and Human Resources Management at Aon Hewitt. She lives in Minneapolis, MN with her family.


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