Issue Brief: Federal Grant Funding for Archives

SAA Position

The Society of American Archivists encourages and supports robust federal funding for grants to archival programs to ensure that the historical record of our collective human experience is preserved and accessible for use by the American public, including teachers and students, scholars, scientists, family historians, the business community, and governments themselves.

Issue Brief: Declassification of Federal Records

SAA Position

The federal government should strive for the greatest possible openness when declassifying national security information, including when applying the automatic declassification provisions detailed in Executive Order 13526 (“Classified National Security Information Memorandum,” December 29, 2009). When an automatic classification event has occurred, the duration of classification should be extended only under extraordinary and limited circumstances.

2017 Fellows and Award Winners

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Congratulations to the 2017 recipients of SAA awards and scholarships! A ceremony honoring their achievements will be held on Wednesday, July 26, during ARCHIVES 2017 in Portland, Oregon. More details to come.

13 Earn Digital Archives Specialist Certificates from SAA

Congratulations to the 13 new Digital Archives Specialists (DAS). These archivists, who represent a variety of repositories from around the country, earned a DAS Certificate from the Society of American Archivists (SAA) after completing required coursework within twenty-four months and passing comprehensive examinations in February/March 2017.