Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award: Wendy Hagenmaier

Wendy Hagenmaier, digital collections archivist at Georgia Institute of Technology, is the 2019 recipient of the Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award from the Society of American Archivists (SAA). The award celebrates and encourages early career archivists who have completed archival work of broad merit, demonstrated significant promise of leadership, and performed commendable service to the archives profession.

Hagenmaier’s exemplary service can be seen in work accomplished regionally and nationally. She spearheaded the development of retroTECH, an innovative program at Georgia Tech that provides students, faculty, and community members with hands-on opportunities to discover and explore the history and future of technology. She is currently serving as the Georgia Tech project manager on an IMLS-funded grant which aims to develop an online emulation environment from retroTECH’s collections. Additionally, Hagenmaier was one of the founders of BloggERS, the blog for SAA’s Electronic Records Section, and is coproducer of the popular radio show and podcast, Lost in the Stacks. She was a part of the research team that created Born-digital Access in Archival Repositories: Mapping the Current Landscape, a detailed report that culminated in the development of the workshop curriculum for the Born-digital Access Bootcamp. In addition, she has held multiple elected roles on SAA’s Committee on Public Policy and in SAA’s Issues and Advocacy Section, Electronic Records Section, and Architectural Records Roundtable, and has served as president of the Society of Georgia Archivists.

Her supporters speak of her leadership, collaborative nature, and dedication to the profession and her peers. As one nominator noted, “Though always unassuming and gracious, she is adept at finding opportunities for collaboration and meticulous in managing projects. Her commitment to the work that she does delivers valuable results for the entire archival community.”

1 Comment(s) to the "Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award: Wendy Hagenmaier"
107037 says:
Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award: Wendy Hagenmaier

Wendy Hagenmaier’s leadership and vision in the archives profession stand out. Her innovative work with retroTECH demonstrates her ability to blend technology and history, creating engaging opportunities for exploration. Just like how Scrunkly allows users to easily create music with a simple interface, Wendy’s contributions simplify and make the exploration of digital archives accessible for a wider audience. Her approach to collaboration and project management is a perfect example of how one can combine creativity and professionalism to make an impactful contribution.