Brenda S. Banks Travel Award: Tracy Drake


Tracy Drake, archival specialist at the Chicago Public Library’s Vivian G. Harsh Research Center, is a 2019 recipient of the Brenda S. Banks Travel Award given by the Society of American Archivists (SAA). The award recognizes and acknowledges individuals of color, such as those of African, Asian, Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander descent, and who have demonstrated professional archival experience.

In her position, Drake has worked to provide equitable access to the stories of marginalized communities, specifically those of Black Chicago, through the development of inclusive collection policies and public programming.  At the 2019 Joint Annual Meeting, she will be a session panelist for “No Ordinary Pain: Invisible Labor and Trauma, Radical Empathy, and Self-Care in Archival Work,” which will examine the emotional labor that archivists contend with in their work.

In her statement, Drake wrote: “The commitment to highlighting diverse voices and promoting equity at my institution and in the larger archival profession begins with building inclusive collection development policies and public programming which amplifies those voices. As well as producing scholarship, presentations focused on anti-racism for information professionals, and recruiting and retaining diverse candidates in the field.”

2 Comment(s) to the "Brenda S. Banks Travel Award: Tracy Drake "
107037 says:
Brenda S. Banks Travel Award: Tracy Drake

Tracy Drake's work at the Chicago Public Library showcases her strong commitment to diversity and inclusive resources. Through her efforts, the research center has not only highlighted the voices of marginalized communities but also promoted the dissemination of local history by developing inclusive collection policies and public programs. Her work has connected many to the rich history of Black Chicago while also emphasizing the importance of anti-racism and cultural diversity. This kind of innovation and people-centered effort is commendable, much like how scrunkly enables users to create their own music with ease, allowing everyone to express their own unique voice and create melodies of their own.

Marwa says:
It's heartening to see

It's heartening to see recognition given to such deserving professionals. This news brings a sense of encouragement and inspiration, showing great strides towards diversity and inclusivity in the archival community. If you need help with research papers, I highly recommend utilizing this source. Their team of professional writers can assist in crafting well-researched and insightful papers, ensuring that the stories behind these quirky landmarks are accurately captured and shared with a wider audience.