Letters to Senate and House FSGG Subcommittees in Support of NHPRC Funding in FY 2021

SAA joined with the other members of the National Coalition for History Policy Board to send letters to the chairs of the Senate and House Financial Services and General Government subcommittees in support of $7 million in FY 2021 funding for NHPRC. The Senate subcommittee has proposed zeroing out funding, while the House subcommittee has put forward $7 million in appropriations. Read the letters below.

NHPRC_Appropriation_House_FSGG_Quigley_1120.pdf315.15 KB
NHPRC_Appropriation_SenateFSGG_Kennedy_1120.pdf324.73 KB
2 Comment(s) to the "Letters to Senate and House FSGG Subcommittees in Support of NHPRC Funding in FY 2021"
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100647 says:
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