Urge Your Representative to Join the Congressional History Caucus!

February 2018—What actions can we take to support federal funding of the humanities, even as we keep an eye on Congress’s appropriations discussions?  As we fight to ensure that drastic cuts don’t become law, our most important assets are our allies in Congress. That’s why this is the perfect time to make a push for the Congressional History Caucus!

The History Caucus is the brainchild of the National Coalition for History (NCH), of which SAA is a policy board member. The Caucus provides a forum for members of Congress to share their interest in history and to promote awareness of the subject on Capitol Hill. It’s important for the history and archives community to be perceived as a resource by Congress, instead of just another constituent seeking funding. The key to success on Capitol Hill is to have relationships in place before you need them. The History Caucus provides a network of supporters in Congress to whom we can reach out when issues arise.

Take the opportunity now to promote the Caucus by contacting your representative and asking her or him to join the Caucus. The NCH website provides step-by-step instruction on how you can call or email your representative—and it includes a “Dear Colleague” letter that was circulated in November by Congressmen John Larson (D-CT), Tom Cole (R-OK), and Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) soliciting members of Congress to join the Caucus. Because you won’t be asking for funding or a policy change, you’ll likely get a positive response if you take the time to make the request. The simple truth is that members of Congress are not likely to join unless they are asked to do so by their constituents! 


Take a few moments now to help build a strong and vibrant History Caucus using the tools and information on the NCH website. It’ll pay off later!

4 Comment(s) to the "Urge Your Representative to Join the Congressional History Caucus!"
107683 says:
Secret Locations

The Congressional History Caucus sounds like a crucial initiative to ensure that history and the humanities remain a priority on Capitol Hill. Building these relationships before they are needed is such a smart approach—advocacy is most effective when it's proactive rather than reactive. I encourage everyone to take a moment to contact their representative and support this effort.  Also, if you're a fan of exploration and discovery, check out Toca Boca secret Locations for a fun way to uncover hidden surprises in the digital world! 

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