Congratulations to SAA’s 2018 Appointees!

After receiving an overwhelming response to this year’s call for volunteers, SAA Vice President/President-Elect Dr. Meredith Evans is pleased to announce the following appointments to SAA groups. With assistance from the 2018 Appointments Committee and consultation with appointed group leaders, Dr. Evans completed the nearly 100 appointments in May. All new terms begin in August at the conclusion of the Joint Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

Join us in congratulating these newly appointed SAA leaders! 

American Archivist Editorial Board
Janna Bolton (Intern)
Shannon Devlin (Intern)

Awards Committee
Jennifer Kinniff (Co-Chair)

Brenda S. Banks Travel Award
Margarita Vargas-Betancourt (Chair)
Danna Bell
C.F.W. Coker Award

Shannon Lausch (Chair)
Suzanne Reller
Distinguished Service Award
Francine Snyder (Chair)
Renae Rapp
Diversity Award
Alexandra Krensky (Chair)
London Stever
Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award
Cristela Garcia-Spitz (Chair)
Jane Cross 
Josephine Forman Scholarship
Allyson Smally (Chair)
Megan Keller Young
F. Gerald Ham and Elsie Ham Scholarship
Julia Young (Chair)
Susan Davis
Philip M. Hamer-Elizabeth Hamer Kegan Award
Emily Lapworth (Chair)
Meg Hixon
Oliver Wendell Holmes Award
Anton du Plessis (Chair)
Margaret Roulett
Archival Innovator Award
Carol Street (Chair)
Jillian Ewalt 
J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award
Stefanie Caloia (Chair)
Nicole Topich
Sister M. Claude Lane, O.P., Memorial Award
Helen Thomas (Chair)
Casey Bowser
Waldo Gifford Leland Award
Eric Willey (Chair)
Margot Note
Mosaic Scholarship
Cara Bertram (Chair)
Barrye Brown
Claire Jenkins 
Theodore Calvin Pease Award
Alessandro Meregaglia
Donald Peterson Student Travel Award
Katie Blank (Chair)
Krista Oldham
Harold T. Pinkett Minority Student Award
Dorothy Berry (Chair)
Amanda Vasquez
Fellows’ Ernst Posner Award
Paul Conway (Chair)
William Landis
Preservation Publication Award
Alexis Peregoy (Chair)
Karen Gracy 
Spotlight Award
Jody Hoks (Chair)
Samantha Brown 

Committee on Education
Rachel Morris (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Thomas Rosko
Julia Corrin
Lisa Sjoberg 
Carli Lowe (Intern)

Digital Archives Specialist Subcommittee
Jennifer Spamer (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Laura Drake Davis
Angela Fritz
Cynthia Ghering
Pamela McClanahan (Intern)

Graduate Archival Education Subcommittee
Alex Poole (Chair)
Jane Zhang (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Angela White
Edward Benoit

Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct
Polina Ilieva (Co-chair)
Rosemary Davis
Tywanna Whorley

Committee on Public Awareness
Nicholas Pavlik (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Christopher Burns*
Rachael Woody

Committee on Public Policy
Sarah Quigley (Chair)
Samantha Winn (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Daria Labinsky
Virginia Millington
Eira Tansey
Bryan Whitledge 
Rachel Greggs (Intern)

Dictionary Working Group
Christopher Hight*
Juli Folk (Intern)
Lauren Haberstock (Intern)

Diversity Committee
Cheryl Beredo (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Brenda Marston
Jamie Sherman
Carol Wilson
Tiana Trutna (Intern)

Finance Committee
Dennis Riley

Membership Committee
Gabrielle Spiers (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Devhra BennettJones 

2019 Program Committee
Joyce Gabiola (Co-chair)
Rachel Winston (Co-chair)
Linda Barrett
Wesley Chenault
Rachel Howard
Jennifer Johnson
Harvey Long
Cinda Nofziger
Suzanne Noruschat
Michelle Sayers
Annie Tang
Derek Webb

Publications Board
Jessica Ballard (Intern)

Standards Committee
Rebecca Wiederhold (Co-chair)
Jennifer Coggins
Eric Sonnenberg 

Technical Subcommittee on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (TS-DACS)
Daniel Michelson (Co-chair)
Linda Hocking
Susan Luftschein*
Greg Wiederman
Maureen Callahan (ex officio)

Technical Subcommittee on Encoded Archival Standards (TS-EAS)
Karin Bredenberg (Co-chair)*
Anila Angjeli*
Kerstin Arnold
Florence Clavaud*
Noah Huffman*
Silke Jagodzinski*
Ailie Smith
Adrian Turner* 

SAA Representative to ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access and MARC Advisory Committee
Michelle Ganz

SAA Representative to International Council on Archives Section of Professional Associations (ICA SPA)
Becky Haglund Tousey*

SAA Representative to National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Noah Lasley

SAA Representative to US State Department Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation
Trudy Huskamp Peterson*


*Denotes a reappointment.

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