More Opportunities to Volunteer for SAA Appointed Groups!

December 1, 2016

Since Vice President Tanya Zanish-Belcher put out the call for volunteers for SAA appointed groups, a few more opportunities have become available to get involved in SAA. Read below to learn more and submit your self-nomination form! All volunteer self-nominations are due by January 20, 2017.

Graduate Archival Education (GAE) Subcommittee

The Graduate Archival Education Subcommittee of the Committee on Education, newly created by the Council in November 2016, is charged with reviewing needs for graduate archival education, drafting and promulgating guidelines, and providing guidance to the Society in this area.

The subcommittee consists of six members (including a chair and vice chair) appointed by the SAA Vice President for staggered three-year terms. The membership of the subcommittee shall include five archival educators and a student or new professional, all selected with an eye to including expertise, perspective, and community input from around the profession.

As this is a brand new subcommittee, we will need to appoint five volunteers for staggered terms. See below for information on how to volunteer.

Technical Subcommittee on Archival Facilities Guidelines (TS-AFG)

The Technical Subcommittee on Archival Facilities Guidelines (TS-AFG) of the SAA Standards Committee oversees the ongoing maintenance and development of Archives and Special Collections Facilities: Guidelines for Archivists, Librarians, Architects, and Engineers (“Facilities standard”), a standard adopted by SAA. The Technical Subcommittee also investigates the feasibility of expansion of the Facilities standard to a national standard and/or a multi-organizational standard.

The term of the Technical Subcommittee was just extended by the Council to August 2018, so that the current revision of this SAA-approved standard may be completed, reviewed, edited, and published. Five to eight volunteers need to be appointed to bring the Technical Subcommittee back to full strength. 

To Volunteer

To view the entire list of available positions and submission guidelines, and to submit your self-nomination, please see the Call for Volunteers. All volunteer submissions are due by January 20, 2017.

You may save changes and come back to this form; you may also change or resubmit information. SAA membership is required both to view the self-nomination form and to be appointed to an SAA group.

Note: If you have already submitted your volunteer form, you can still edit your submission by re-visiting the submission form here. All submissions must be finalized by January 20, 2017.

Please send any questions to Thank you for your interest!

1 Comment(s) to the "More Opportunities to Volunteer for SAA Appointed Groups!"
102068 says:
It's a really great idea to

It's a really great idea to apply as a volunteer, it was nice to read this article, football legends can be tried to have more good times, this is really good.