Maher Represents SAA at WIPO Copyright Deliberations

SAA Past President and IPWG member William Maher represented the views of American archivists as a permanent observer at the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights meeting, December 16-20. Attendees discussed an international treaty for library and archives exceptions for copyright, including provisions related to orphan works and making preservation copies. Maher noted that many of the national delegates are less familiar with the mission of archives than that of public libraries; his statement on SAA’s behalf helped to bridge that gap. (View his presentation and that of the International Council on Archives representative here, at 26:30 and 34:00.) For more information, click here.

1 Comment(s) to the "Maher Represents SAA at WIPO Copyright Deliberations"
103678 says:

very interesting, thanks for sharing!