August 14 Nationals/Diamondbacks Baseball Game

JAL Tours and SAA are joining forces to get you out to the ballgame as a grand finale to DC 2010! The Washington Nationals will face off against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Nationals Park on Saturday, August 14, at 7:05 pm. We’ve reserved a block of tickets at just $20 each. Transportation will be on your own via Metro, and clear directions will be available prior to departing the Washington Marriott Wardman Park. If you have questions or want more information, contact John LeGloahec (JAL) at Purchase your ticket(s) before July 16 to reserve your seat(s)! For your convenience, you may purchase online via the SAA bookstore (Keyword: DC 2010) or register now online and add during your checkout!

4 Comment(s) to the "August 14 Nationals/Diamondbacks Baseball Game"
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If you are looking for more details or specific games involving the Nationals, feel free to ask haunt the house

Marko says:
The August 14

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