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Saturday, September 1, 8:00 - 9:30 AM
The Meeting was convened at 8 AM, Saturday September 1, 2001 by Co-Chairs Lee Eltzroth (Georgia State University) and Amy Cooper (University of South Dakota).
Welcome & Introductions
Co-Chairs Amy Cooper and Lee Eltzroth opened the meeting by introducing themselves and welcoming members to the meeting of the Women Archivists Roundtable. A list gathering names of attendees was passed around.
Valerie Browne (Loyla University of Chicago) moved approval of 2001 Meeting Minutes, and Roseanne Stump (Sisters of the Living Word) seconded the motion. Approval of the 2001 minutes by consensus.
2002 Conference
Pam Hackbart-Dean of the Program Committee spoke about the 2002 conference, to be held in Birmingham, Alabama. Deadline for the submission of proposals is October 6, 2001. Members should be sure to follow the guidelines on the forms. Forms are available in the back of the bulletin as well as online at the SAA website.
Name Change
A history of the name change, from Women's Professional Archival Issues Roundtable (WPAIR) to Women Archivists Roundtable (WAR) was presented.
Co-Chairs presented information about the WAR Survey, available at:http://www.geocities.com/saawar/survey.html. Asked for members to encourage distribution at their institutions, and asked for further suggestions for distribution. Suggestions were made to approach regional organizations about the distribution of the survey (MAC, SGA, MARAC). Membership suggested that it would be important to get the results of the survey published in the literature. It was noted that the archives of the COSW would provide further information about women in SAA, and that those records are located at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Lee should speak with Timothy Ericson.
Co-chairs presented the new WAR website (http://www.geocities.com/saawar/) and asked for comments and suggestions. Recognition was given to Debbie Richards (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute), for her work in creating the website.
WAR Listserv
It had been suggested that WAR develop a listserv specifically for women's issues. The drawbacks of this were quick to be brought to the forefront: it would require someone at a university to provide server space, and any increase in the volume of e-mail was seen to be a severe detriment. Also, people felt that it would not be used, and that comment and feedback in this group is limited. The group determined that they would rather continue on with occasional group mailings from the Co-Chairs, and use that opportunity to engage in discussion if they desired. There is no need for a listserv at this time.
Navigator Program
Nancy Taylor (Presbyterian Historical Society) and Toni Jeske (University of Texas, San Antonio) coordinated the Navigator Program, which is sponsored by WAR. This is designed for new members, both men and women. The program matches new meeting attendees with people who have attended one or more SAA meetings, to help provide guidance about how to get the most from a meeting. This year, there were 34 navigatees. SAA was very helpful in coordinating the information gathering and putting the information on the registration form. Nancy and Toni will be sending an informal survey to participants. Nancy and Toni will continue in organizing next year's program.
By-laws indicate that elections for Co-Chairs take place yearly, and that terms are staggered, so that there is always a new person and a person who has served one year. Both of the current Co-Chairs are willing to continue serving, and consensus was to keep the current Co-Chairs on for another year of service. We will take nominations for Co-Chairs prior to next year's SAA meeting.
Steering Committee
Current Steering Committee Members: Nancy Taylor, Toni Jeski, Katherine Flemming (College of Charlston) and Debbie Richards are all willing to continue to serve. We will contact Katrina Harkness (Florida State Archives) and Maria Teresa Marquez (University of New Mexico) to see if they are still interested in serving. Two new member were voted onto the steering committee by consensus vote: Marilyn Pettit (Columbia University) and Sarah Keen (student, University of Michigan).
New Business
The floor was opened to new business:
Meeting adjourned, 9:30 a.m.
Submitted 10/21/01