SNAP User-Submitted Project Proposals

Updated December 11, 2012

The Steering Committee encourages SNAP members to take an active role in proposing and leading SNAP projects. Any SNAP member can submit a project proposal.

If you're thinking about proposing a project, we encourage you to start a conversation within SNAP to get feedback and find potential project-mates. You can send a message to the SNAP list, or write a guest post on the SNAP Blog. If you'd like to write a guest post, email and include the phrase "guest blog post" in the subject.

The deadline to submit a proposal will be one week before the next Steering Committee meeting.  A schedule of future SC meetings is forthcoming. In the meantime, please feel free to submit your proposals anytime.

Please complete the attached Word document to formally submit your proposed project idea.  All completed forms should be sent to The Steering Committee may ask you to make changes to your proposal before it is accepted. Accepted proposals will be posted to the SNAP website.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the Steering Committee by emailing We would be happy to work with you on your proposal prior to submission.

This is a new process for us, and we appreciate your feedback so that we can continue to improve it.

SNAPProposalForm.doc38.5 KB