SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2023/03/30

SNAP Steering Committee 2022-2023

Meeting #7: Thursday, 3/30/23

Time: 8 AM PT / 10 AM CT/ 11 AM ET

 Attendance via Zoom: Marissa / Amber Bales / Nicole Font / Michelle Novak /LaShaunda Croussore / Laura Kathryn Nicole Jones


  1. Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Annual SNAP meeting - schedule by April 1st

      1. Grab a date early - Marissa will select at random (June 12- July 14th)

        1. Goal- to have a date by next meeting and then will start contacting possible speakers

      2. Start considering programming option

        1. Link

        2. Mutter Museum

      3. What is the SAA theme this year:  Work in Common/Work Toward Commons

    2. Hannah Stryker (  is our new SAA contact for event Zoom logistics and other questions

    3. Thank you to Michelle for hosting our Introduction to NARA event with Meg Philips (NARA)

      1. Approx 50-60 attendees; ~ 80 registrants; 240 clicks

    4. Artist Archives Event with Visual Materials Section Tuesday April 11th at 10am PST/1pm EST

      1. Host: Nicole? Or Marissa?

      2. Michelle to possibly host (taking my name out as I will be hosting on the 17th) / Nicole to do tech back up

      3. Currently looking for a host!!

    5. SAA Membership 101 Webinar—Scheduled for Monday, April 17, 2pm Central.

      1. Daniel Hartwig is working on the promotional document

      2. Michelle will send promotional materials as soon as possible

    6. Event in the works: Archivist as 2nd career - speakers are almost lined up

    7. Event in the works: Michelle requested presentation about Netherland project using Linked open Data to pull together assets from across multiple repositories and is also working on transcription of documents using AI

    8. Looking for June Programming Ideas

  2. Vice-Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Liaison to Membership Committee - updates?

      1. Bailey will report back soon with election info (timeline, what positions we will need to fill, etc.)

  3. Blog Team

    1. Interest in mental health posts in May? TBD

    2. Blog always open for input-

  4. Social Media

    1. YouTube Channel update?

      1. SNAP wants own channel on SAA YouTube account; need access to upload videos to SAA YouTube account

      2. Marissa and/or Bailey need to check in with Hannah to see where we left off with that

      3. Michelle has all videos on her Vimeo account. Sent a dropbox link to videos to SAA in 2022, for them to upload to YouTube. No action.

    2. Reminder: if you see any scholarships, events, resources, internships, etc. that you think would be of interest to our members send it Nicole’s way!

  5. Web Liaison

    1. No updates

  6. Student Chapter Coordinators

    1. Survey results discussion - big takeaways?

  7. Programming

    1. Ideas? Interest in hosting or participating in upcoming webinars?

    2. Webinar on archives as a second (or maybe even third) career path (Nicole) in the preliminary planning process

      1. 3 potential speakers courtesy of Nicole and Laura’s connections (and Bailey?)

        1. Rob Hudson, Assistant Director, Rose Museum and Archives at Carnegie Hall said yes

        2. Marissa confirmed with contact who is willing to be on this panel

    3. Programming Topic Idea Worksheetfeel free to add to this or pick up a topic idea and start running with it—contact LaShaunda, Marissa, or Michelle to discuss how to start or if you would like a suggestion to start with

  8. Additional Updates (Open to All)

    1. Set up a program to explore resources for job hunting for non-Glam pathways (note from Marissa: whose idea was this because this sounds amazing!)

  9. Confirmation of the next Meeting Date

    1. Next meeting Thursday April 27th at 8am PST/11am EST

Referenced Group Meeting: