SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2022/12/15

SNAP Steering Committee 2022-2023

Meeting #4: Thursday, Dec 15, 2022

Time: 8 AM PT / 10 AM CT/ 11 AM ET

Attendance via Zoom: Marissa Friedman (chair); Bailey Adolph (vice-chair); Laura Kathryn Nicole Jones (student chapter coordinator); Amber Bales (secretary); Jessie Knoles (Steering Committee member); Nicole Font (ex-officio)


  1. Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Jan. 20th: Writing/Publishing opportunities webinar with Archives and Archivists of Color Section (brainstorming doc here with questions - please let me know if you want to suggest any edits to the questions) scheduled for January 20th @ 2pm est / 11am pct

      1. Volunteers to help day of and/or host: Amber Bales to co-host with person from other section (Shelley Black)

        1. Moderating questions from audience

        2. Expect an hour

        3. Recorded

    2. Invitation to collaborate with SAA Archival Educators Section on an upcoming Listening Session focused on hearing from students and their needs/issues

      1. Meeting scheduled with Rebecca Frank and other section reps on January 5th @ 1pm (Timezone unknown)

      2. Let Marissa know if you want to be included in planning and I will send out Zoom info

        1. Nicole Font & Jessie Knoles interested

        2. Laura Jones would like notes sent so it can communicate with chapters

  2. Vice-Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Liaison to Membership Committee - updates -

      1. Bailey to announce upcoming webinars

  3. Blog Team

    1. No special reports from Leah. Still waiting on a couple posts first pitched in September to come through–will make sure they have the general SNAP email for when 2023 rolls around.

      1. Kimberly to be senior blog person in new year - to be confirmed

      2. Open invitation to work with blog team- short onboarding process- this team is currently short staffed

  4. Social Media

    1. Nicole to repost the survey one more time to Connect, Twitter, and Facebook

      1. Done!

        1. Worried that the latest announcement on Connect got buried (there were 4 announcements that day!). Nicole will post it again after the holidays.

    2. Targeting mid-January for end date of survey (goal to get at least 50 responses)

      1. Currently at 40!

    3. YouTube Channel (question for Michelle next meeting)

    4. Working on a blog post about the SAA scholarships and awards that are relevant to our members. Will have that sent to Leah within the next few days.

    5. Reminder: if you see any scholarships, events, resources, internships, etc. that you think would be of interest to our members send it Nicole’s way!

  5. Web Liaison

    1. All meetings and minutes have been posted!

      1. Question: We didn’t meet in July or August, right? I don’t have minutes for those months.

        1. Should have meeting minutes from August? Might have been cancelled

        2. July was the annual meeting so no committee meeting

  6. Student Chapter Coordinators

    1. Need to send out email with survey to student chapters explicitly requesting their feedback and help

      1. Karlie is sending

      2. Should we close survey at end of January?

        1. Students aren’t back until late January

        2. To analyze mid January to determine if certain region are underrepresented

          1. Student Chapters are currently underrepresented in the responses

            1. 6 chapters currently represented

    2. SNAP Guide to Student Chapters

      1. Interest from specific student chapters to better connect

  7. Programming

    1. Ideas? Interest in hosting or participating in upcoming webinars?

    2. SAA Membership 101 Webinar [Michelle, needs to be scheduled]

    3. Update on possible program collaboration with Independent Archivists section? (Nicole)

      1. No new news currently

    4. Webinar on archives as a second (or maybe even third) career path (Nicole)

      1. 2 potential speakers (Nicole)

      2. Could be for February planning

  8. Additional Updates (Open to All)

    1. Volunteers: Webinar series - volunteers to take on the planning of the next one? Ideas

    2. Programming Topic Idea Worksheet—feel free to add to this or pick up a topic idea and start running with it—contact LaShaunda, Marissa, or Michelle to discuss how to start or if you would like a suggestion to start with

  9. Confirmation of the next Meeting Date

    1. Two options: Return to original schedule of last Thursday of the month, so Thursday January 26th - Same time slot 

    2. OR keep it about a month apart, so Thursday January 12th 

    3. Preference? Return to the last thursday of the month - January 26th


Referenced Group Meeting: