SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2022/10/27


SNAP Steering Committee 2022-2023

Meeting #2: Thursday, October 27, 2022

Time: 8 AM PT / 10 AM CT/ 11 AM ET

Attendance via Zoom: Marissa Friedman (chair); Bailey Adolph (vice-chair); Jessie Knoles (SC); LaShaunda Croussore (SC); Michal Novak (SC); Laura Jones (student chapter coordinator); Amber Bales (secretary); Nicole Font (social media)


  1. Chair Announcements

    1. Two upcoming programs are in the works, tentatively aiming for early December and January

      1. Artists archives event co-hosted with Visual Materials Section

        1. Similar to Business Archive Event but focus on Art Archives

      2. Writing/Publishing opportunities webinar with Archives and Archivists of Color Section

        1. This will be broader than the SAA Publishing Forum

    2. SAA Membership 101 Webinar [Michelle, needs to be scheduled]

    3. Copyright Webinar [Michelle, outreach started] Work-in with a blog post, SNAP 101

    4. Q: Are there any Contract Archivists - this might be a great option for a webinar

      1. Potentially work with the Independent Archivist section – Nicole will reach out

    5. LaShaunda has taken on the duties of Programming Chair

      1. Programming Topic Idea Worksheet —feel free to add to this

        1. Recording of webinar project management saved in Programming and Webinars Folder titled SNAP Programming Chair Onboarding (.mp4)

    6. Open web position - Nicole Font to step in

      1. What documentation do we have to share-  Go back to John Claude Esh to get information- Marissa to follow up with John and Nicole to coordinate the process.

  2. Vice-Chair Announcements

    1. Liaison to Membership Committee - updates

      1. Working on Strategic Planning Goals

      2. Updated them on Discord and Webinars-  they offered help

  3. Blog Team

    1. Election results were posted to the blog

    2. A new post last night from Kimberly - about National Parks - push to Social happening

  4. Social Media

    1. #AskanArchivist Day

      1. Mostly internal conversations among archivist

      2. Engagement was up

    2. Discord/Survey

      1. Concerns about sustainability

      2. Nicole is willing to add it to Social Media engagement work- but worth waiting on the survey results

  5. Student Chapter Coordinators

    1. Sample survey to send out to members and gather feedback about how and whether they want to engage with us

    2. Discord discussion - pros and cons

    3. SNAP Guide to Student Chapters

      1. Invite chapters to contribute

      2. Ask SAA for an improved set of guidelines to change the process and lower the barrier to entry

        1. Wait for survey results so that we have the fullest understanding of ideas and concerns

      3. SAA is considering all blogs that should be centralized and no longer on individual sections- there are concerns about archiving all individual blogs- this would pertain to Discord as well.  If we start new lines of communication we need to be able to sustain and archive the information.

        1. Note- SAA has a new webmaster

      4. Listservs are another potential idea

        1. Should this be added to the survey- Yes - Plus a section for add-in information.

        2. Easier to moderate but less interactive

      5. Google Groups

      6. Goal- send out Survey by next month's meeting - Let’s send it out by the 3rd giving Laura, Nicole, and the blog team to distribute that feedback (including SAA Connect)

      7. Separate email list for SNAP student chapter inbox- waiting from Felicia on this  

        1. If not, the main inbox will be continued

      8. Survey added to the Drive - make any last-minute changes before sending out

        1. Action Item—take a look at the survey—fill it out and make any needed suggestions by Next Thursday.

      9. Student chapters contact list clean-up project

        1. This is ready for the survey blast

        2. Survey will go out to everyone but a portion of the survey is geared towards Student Chapters - granular and tailored based on your response within the survey

  6. Additional Updates (Open to All)

    1. [Michelle] - Idea to ask Student Chapters to tell us about themselves via a blog post that we would promote on our Blog -

      1. A good way to reestablish links

      2. Expand to social media posts

      3. Goal to build a roadmap of best practices for engagement.

        1. We need to create documentation about how the collaboration is helpful

        2. Also, streamline the paperwork from SAA-

    2. Webinar series - volunteers to take on the planning of the next one? Ideas?

    3. Programming Topic Idea Worksheet —feel free to add to this or pick up a topic idea and start running with it—contact LaShaunda, Marissa, or Michelle to discuss how to start or if you would like a suggestion to start with

    4. SC members to help with hosting events- running Zoom, etc - easy training with good documentation on the process

  7. Confirmation of the next Meeting Date

    1. Move it to the Thursday prior to Thanksgiving (17th) - Same time slot

    2. December meeting will also probably need to be changed

    3. Expect reminders in your email

Referenced Group Meeting: