SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2022/09/29

SNAP Steering Committee 2022-2023

Meeting #1: Thursday, September 29, 2022

Time: 8 AM PT / 10 AM CT/ 11 AM ET


  1. Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Welcome and introductions!

      1. 10 in attendance

    2. Scheduling - do we want to alternate days/times every month to allow for greater attendance?

      1. Monday morning - 12 or 1(ET) is the possibility

      2. To send out one more email to ask for input

      3. Could be confusing

    3. Empty ex-officio positions - do we need to recruit?

      1. Missing programming chair (new position) - LaShaunda Croussore potentially interested in position

        1. Monthly projects and responsibilities to maintain series

      2. Web liaison

        1. To discuss with the blog team

        2. Position has yearly duties and a few smaller responsibilities throughout the year

      3. Options: recruit or someone on SC to wear 2 hats

  2. Vice-Chair Announcements + Upcoming Administration

    1. Ideas surrounding increased accessibility 

    2. Make new professional resources more robust

    3. MN- mentioned SAA 101 for new members in the work 

  3. Blog Team

    1. Need to post election results to the blog and introduce new steering committee

      1. Names and affiliations to be sent to Leah Tams in next week or so

      2. Duplicate current committee and update + announce any openings

    2. New blog ideas?

      1. Introduced- Kimberlee Roberts as another blog editor

      2. Renewed interest for blog posts

        1. A few in the pipeline- should see them flow out in the coming weeks

      3. Reminder that this is an open call - the topics are very wide ranging!

        1. Contact Leah with a draft if interested

  4. Social Media

    1. American Archives Month - ideas for how to participate

      1. What is the procedure to participate in this with SAA as the SNAP committee twitter handle -

      2. Laura- reminder about banned books and how we can connect that to an archives focus - we can carry this idea forward with a focus on the value of archives -LOC banned book week is in October

        1. Restrictions on archival materials and the tensions around this

        2. Nicole to retweet and repost

        3. MN- Add to blog post to control content

      3. SNAP members each share the most interesting item they have in their archive so that we can share the diversity and how to access

        1. Reminder that somethings are found at the institutions and not always at the State archives- let’s shoot for all 50 states represented!

        2. Brainstorm some prompts for social media to engage the views

          1. Let’s post this soon to capture early and see what happens

        3. All of us should think about what we would like to share and then cross promote with Archivist Think Tank

    2. Alternative forms of promotion

      1. Call for interest post on LinkedIn and then share from the individual level as possible

      2. We could also share on FB Archivist ThinkTank group

        1. Nicole will add this to her standard posting workflow

      3. Youtube channel for our webinars status update

        1. MF to double check on status

        2. MN shared a lot of videos and received positive feedback from SAA but the project is still on their backburner

        3. Goal to have update by next meeting

  5. Student Chapter Coordinators

    1. Showcase chapters

      1. How/where to incorporate?

        1. Existing Tell Us about Your Student Chapter form

      2. Main Stage program

        1. Continue or merge?

      3. Social media

        1. Encourage sharing/tagging/posting

          1. Feature chapter content

      4. SAA requires that we do reports for the student chapters

      5. Separate student chapter committee allows for broader participation from that section

      6. Slow engagement from student chapters- to be discussed and reimagined

    2. SNAP Guide to Student Chapters

      1. Invite chapters to contribute

    3. Update deadlines

      1. Add contact reminders/outreach to calendar

      2. Update communications schedule

      3. Edit existing contact forms to be general not date specific

    4. Contact chapters

      1. Update info

      2. How do we find out about new chapters?

      3. Create listserv for advisors/officers

    5. Folders/forms reorganization

  6. Web Liaison

    1. Will fold into the blog team

  7. Additional Updates (Open to All)

    1. Goals for the year - want to hear from everyone what they want to get out of SNAP and how we can best serve SNAPers

      1. Everyone to share (via email is fine)

    2. Status of SAA 101 project

  8. New Items / Ideas

    1. Webinar series - volunteers to take on the planning of the next one? Ideas?

    2. Programming Topic Idea Worksheet - feel free to add ideas!

    3. SC members to help with hosting events- running Zoom, etc - easy training with good documentation on the process

  9. Confirmation of Next Meeting Date

    1. To be determined via email

Referenced Group Meeting: