SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2020/05/18

SNAP Steering Committee 2019-2020
Meeting #9: Monday, 05/18/2020
Time: 5 PM PT / 7 PM CT/ 8 PM ET

  1. Chair
    1. Section elections - nomination deadline this Friday, May 22. PUBLICIZE WIDELY:
      1. Currently have 4 nominees (at least one for each position) There is at least one student nominee
      2. Will determine after Friday if one week extension of deadline needed
    2. Annual Meeting going virtual
      1. Awaiting updates from SAA/Council, so keep an eye on SAA leaders and Announcements listservs for news
      2. Meeting with Jennifer of BAS this week: initial ideas was to do a collab on salary negotiation workshop; not sure if this will change. 
      3. Side note: cost could be a hindrance for students, Gayle trying to encourage reduced or free entry for students; nothing planned/no public statement yet as far as registration rates. Worth while to think about potential response if registration rates are not lowered.
    3. Partnership with Mentoring Subcommittee: 
  2. Vice Chair/Chair-Elect
    1. No additional updates
  3. Blog Team
    1. Looking for contributors; posting to the listserv consistently 
    2. “A Day in the Life” posts are always welcome. Please contact member of the blog team if interested!
  4. Social Media
    1. Working with mentoring subcommittee for July/August SNAP chat of twitter
  5. Student Chapter Coordinator
    1. No additional updates
  6. Web Liaison
    1. No additional updates
  7. Additional updates?
    1. n/a
Referenced Group Meeting: