SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2020/01/21

SNAP Steering Committee 2019-2020
Meeting #5: Tuesday, 01/21/2020
Time: 5 PM PT / 7 PM CT/ 8 PM ET

  1. Chair
    1. Statement on Boles article
      2. Would like to have this out ahead of the publication, this is currently a second draft. Will give everyone the weekend to read through and comment by Monday, then we will begin finalizing.
    2. #thatdarnpetition
      2. Brief statement? Gayle’s idea: Echoing concerns others have raised about the series of events, Plug #52Fund created by Sam Winn (funds for attendance at next SAA meeting for archivist of color, disabled and LBGTQ+)
      3. Suggestion from former chair: bring back Candidate Forum to SNAP blog:
        1. Elections in March (?) so we would need to contact candidates in early Feb.
        2. Gayle will update candidate questions and email things out tomorrow. It was agreed it would be helpful to have the candidate forum and questions reinstated on the blog.
    3. Annual Meeting - deadline March 1
      1. Felicia distributed spreadsheet for section meeting plans. Several people would like to make sure the Salary discussion is NOT at the same time as Manuscripts.
      2. Record meeting? Any sections to avoid conflicts with? Generally agreed that not recording the conversation would be in everyone’s best interest. Notes and a recap for the blog would be ok.
    4. Adding salary transparency spreadsheet to microsite resources? 
      1. Group agreed, sounds like a good idea.
    5. Salary negotiation webinar questions (Ashelee) - deadline? Webinar will be April 16th. Speaker open to any topics and questions. Free webinar that will be recorded and Ashelee will get back on the registration process and date.
      1. Google doc for steering committee members to add questions:
  2. Vice Chair/Chair-Elect
    1. No updates
  3. Blog Team
    1. Updates from Laura: 
      1. A couple of ask an archivist questions that came through the blog. Will send out to the rest of the steering committee for feedback, so will be sent out through the SAA discussion forum. 
      2. Changing round table format, questions over email rather than over the phone. 
      3. Creating new guidelines for blog posts.
  4. Social Media
    1. Job hunting chat went well, 27 participants overall.
    2. February-activist archivist chat.
    3. Dara Baker ACA chat about becoming certified archivist, maybe in March.
  5. Student Chapter Coordinator
  6. Web Liaison
  7. Additional updates?
Referenced Group Meeting: