SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 12/12/2016

SNAP Steering Committee 2016-2017

Meeting #3: December 12, 2016

Location: Skype


Call started 6pm PST (9pm EST / 8pm CST)

Lauren volunteered to take notes

  1. Student Chapter Manual: Adrienne and Emily are working on the student chapter manual, Elena volunteered to help since she worked on it last year


2. New Ex Officio introductions: Brenna, Lauren, Emily, Amanda and Eve introduced themselves to the group

3. Ex Officio updates:

Social Media

  • Elena and Amanda met about social media; decided to cut down Twitter chats from 3 times a month to 2 times a month

  • Next Twitter chat is Thursday at 8pm EST about advocacy

  • Shout-out to Kate for contributing topic ideas


4. Secretary status:

Rossy needs to step down, so if none of the other candidates from the last election are interested then SNAP will need to hold a special election

5. Program of Work Spreadsheet:

Kelly updated this spreadsheet, which contains program ideas and liaison ideas

Steering Committee should fill it out with their interests

6. SAA 2017:

Kelly has been in contact with Portland State University about dorm space for SAA 2017. SNAP would have a block of 50 rooms with in-room bathroom and kitchenette, approximately $68/night.

7. Odds and ends:

Lauren had handoff meeting with Holly, will reach out to Brenna and Emily about blog content and getting things going

Last Steering Committee meeting for 2016, will meet again at the end of January

Meeting adjourned 6:23pm PST (9:23pm EST / 8:23pm CST)

Referenced Group Meeting: