SNAP Steering Committee appointed

Here's the current membership of our steering committee. Congratulations to all the new appointees!


Chair: Rebecca Goldman

Vice Chair: Kate Donovan Jarvis

Secretary: Lora Davis

Web/Social Media Coordinator: Rebecca Weintraub

Student and Student Chapter Coordinator: Helen Schubert

Liaison Coordinator: Sasha Griffin

Outreach/Newsletter Coordinator: Sarah Powell


Contact info, and who to contact about what, is coming soon!

l.p.zaborowski says:
More info?

Could we possibly get some other info about the members, like job title or alma mater or current place of work?  I know we might have seen some of that information at some point in the listserv, but there have been a lot of posts lately!

rebeccagoldman says:
More info!

Hi l.p.,

If you log in to the SAA website and go to**TBL-SNAP&Status=Active, you can see our members' current places of work (if they've chosen to provide that information).

Rebecca Goldman

SNAP Chair

leverett says:

I'm glad that the SNAP roundtable has been approved.  As a recent grad with a recently lapsed student membership who is on the job hunt, I never felt qualified to do more than lurk on the the other roundtables.

Looking forward to participating.

Lisa Leverett

rebeccagoldman says:

Lisa, we're happy to have you!

Rebecca Goldman

SNAP Chair