SNAP RT Annual Meeting, SAA Conference 2015, Cleveland - 8/19/25

SNAP RT Meeting agenda

Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 5:00pm-7:00pm

Cleveland Convention Center, Room 26B


5:00 pm-5:20 pm: Roundtable Report - Caitlin Wells, 2014-2015 chair


5:20 pm-5:45 pm: Lightning talks by SNAP members

  • Elise Dunham, Research Data Management as a Career Path for Archivists

  • Alison Reynolds, Seward Family Papers Digitization Project

  • Lily Troia, Copyright at Berklee College Archives

  • Rossy Mendez, Public Services: The Newbie Way

  • Ariadne Rehbein, From DOC to EAD: Finding aid conversion at the University of Virginia


5:45 pm-6:05 pm: Presentation on Academy of Certified Archivists - Mott Linn, incoming ACA President

6:05 pm-6:20 pm: President’s Presentation - Kathleen Roe, SAA President