
East Tennessee Foundation

East Tennessee Foundation's (ETF) field-of-interest and affiliate funds support a competitive grantmaking process in broad charitable areas including arts and culture, community development, youth-at-risk or a particular East Tennessee county or region (affiliate funds) within the Foundation's 25-county service area.


Humanities Tennessee Grant Program

The board will prioritize funding for projects that share our mission to nurture the mutual respect and understanding among Tennesseans essential to community.  We are interested in projects that engage Tennesseans in collective reflection and conversation about issues that often divide us; that provide context for contemporary themes; or that consider our roles as individuals in civic life.


Partnership for Public Humanities

The PPH provides financial support to nonprofit partners for public humanities projects. It is designed to encourage nonprofits to use humanities projects--those that engage the audience’s skills of inquiry, analysis, and reflection, and provide the historical and social contexts with which to do so--to strengthen work in their communities.  


Tennessee Arts Commission Grants

The Tennessee Arts Commission offers a variety of distinct funding opportunities in the arts to serve diverse constituencies.


Tennessee Records Advisory Board

The Tennessee Historical Records Advisory Board (THRAB) is the central advisory board for historical records planning and for National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) funded projects in Tennessee.


Tennessee State Library and Archives Grants to Local Archives

Website includes information on Archives Development Program Direct Grants for local government and non-government archives. Also includes information on State and National Archival Partnership (SNAP) Grants for Tennessee museums, libraries, historical societies, non-profit organizations, religious archives, colleges and universities, and other repositories of historical records for the acquisition of archival supplies, devices, furnishings or services that directly help to salvage, restore, preserve or improve access to significant historical archival collections held within the state of Tennessee.