RAO Steering Committee Meeting—Notes—April 28th, 2015

RAO Steering Committee Meeting—Notes—April 28th, 2015 


In attendance: Rebecca, Jodi, Rachael, Alison, Lisa, Greg, Pam, Matt, Erin  


Working Group Reports 

1.      Access to Electronic Records Working Group—At the time of our last call, Greg’s group, the initial research team, had just wrapped their efforts. (Thank you, Greg!) Amy will post the summary/report of this group’s findings to the microsite soon. The bibliography group has completed 42 annotations and will be finishing several more this week.  They hope to start formatting and finalizing the bibliography after that and intend to finish and upload (to the microsite) their portion of the work by mid-May. The survey group is starting to get underway now as well; there was another group of archivists who created and conducted a survey on access to born-digital materials earlier this year; Stacey Lavender (who is the survey team leader) is going to contact Rachel Appel, one of the archivists involved with that project, to see if we can obtain a copy of their questions and possibly even survey data.  This will avoid duplication of efforts and overlap and will help make our survey more meaningful.  At this point, we are not sure if we can provide full analysis of the RAO survey data before the Annual Meeting, but we hope/plan to have the survey responses in by that point.

2.      TPS Committee—Lisa—Call for volunteers complete (RBMS Group) Project Literacy in the hands of others to approve; Jill and Lisa will meet early May to discuss governance issues re: TPS committee members and how long terms of service should serve 

3.      UnConference—Matt—12 volunteers have determine on a location--Cleveland Public Library—Wednesday before SAA, 9:30-4pm; lots of workshop options and topics for discussion—final choices will be finalized by the people who attend. Save the Date messages will be sent out by the end of this week so that people have enough time to arrange their travel and lodging details. 

4.      23 Things—Rebecca—Thing of the Month blog post is ready to launch.  Will also get a proposal sent out for the RAO Marketplace of Ideas from the 23 Things working group.   


Agenda Items

1.      Nomination Committee—Report sent out from Mary prior to meeting—highlights—since no one volunteered to run for Chair or Vice Chair, and everyone wanted to run for SC, asked steering committee candidates to run for C/VC, too. Top-vote getters get vice-chair, or the two SC slots.  Boils down to top 3 candidates.  Working on crafting a call for bios and photos from the candidates to post to election website.   

2.      Pam—Council Updates—Council meeting is coming up in a month, so nothing to report at the moment but perhaps after the meeting. 

3.      RAO Meeting Program  (Notes of latest updates attached to agenda) 

(a)   FYI: because RAO meeting is at the Convention Center, we'll have 2 or 3 rooms for our meeting and we do not yet know how the rooms will be arranged or how large they are. We're not sure yet how to plan for the space that we have, so some things are a bit up in the air at the moment.   

(b)   Two vendor submissions right now and Jodi re-sent the call for vendors last week.  Rebecca will submit a proposal, too. 

(c)    Will tap Mary and Jill, possibly, to announce instructions and encourage circulation. Erin also happy to help with people-moving during the Marketplace. 

(d)   Jodi--volunteered to pass out maps and direct people to various vendors.

(e)   Rachael and Lisa—floaters and will jump in as needed.

(f)     Everyone—take photos and document the Marketplace. Everyone--Be in the room by 2:45 to set up. If there are questions about the schedule for the meeting, let the Program Committee know. 

(g)   Program Committee—Meet early the morning of the AM so that we have a sense of what needs to be done, where the room is, etc. 

(h)   Business Meeting—It is helpful to hear what is going on with committees, but everyone will keep it very brief.   

(i)     Let Program Committee know if anything in the virtual components need tweaks

4.      Greg—Communications

a.      Spring Newsletter will focus on 4 sections—Notes from the Chair, Updates from the Working Groups and Standing Committee (write an update for Greg, 200-400 words, if you are a leader of one of those groups), RAO program update—what's new and improved, etc., and candidate biographies and upcoming election. 

b.      Deadlines—Elections open July 1st. Would like newsletter to go out earlier—deadline is June 19th to submit articles, draft sent out June 24th, with final distribution June 29th. 

c.       Hot Topics Blog Series--Looking for posts for May-August.  May—UnConference post, July—RAO Meeting program 

d.      Twitter hashtag to promote the RAO meeting is going to be #SAARAO15 




Send Lisa 4 things: 

Please submit a brief annual report about your committee/working group/liaison activities for the past year by June 1, 2015. Please include:  

5.      What you have accomplished this year  

6.      Goals/tasks that are in progress  

7.      What you plan to finish by August 2015  

8.      Future plans/goals 


Council Meeting 

Any agenda items for Pam to bring on our behalf?  None at this time.



Upcoming SAA deadlines  

June 1 – announce slate of candidates  

June 15—nominations information due to Matt Black  

July 7 – elections  




Adjourned—12:50 MDT. 

RAO Steering Committee Meeting.docx21.59 KB



Send comments on this website to 2023-2024 RAO Past Chair/Webmaster, Jay-Marie Bravent.