RAO Meeting Minutes 10/19/2018

  • Rebecca May will share updates from those who could not attend via email.

  • Welcome and Introductions (Getting to know RAO)

    • Worked through PowerPoint linked above for introductions.

  • Committee Reports

    • E2 Report

      • First meeting at SAA Annual Meeting in 2018 in August 2018.

      • Launched a private Facebook group for those interested in E2 topics. (Will send out group title).

      • Interested in “spectacles,” or guerilla postering to recruit members.

      • Goal for SAA 2019 is another face-to-face meeting with a behind the scenes tour of an exhibit.

      • Working with Rebecca Bizonet on blog, social media, and other promotional channels.

      • Working on document resource bank for templates of loan forms etc.

      • Working on a bibliography.

    • TPS

      • Met at SAA Annual Meeting 2018

        • Decided on 3 major goals:

          • Unconference (with updated leadership structure and hopefully funding).

          • TPS Exchange (resource bank).

            • Move from member’s personal hosting.

            • Partnering with RBMS (They are likely hosting).

            • Will be issuing call for participants.

          • TPS Guidelines Case Studies

            • Will be issuing a call for editor.

      • 2018 Unconference at Library of Conference, Madison Building

      • TPS Listserv separate from RAO.

    • Communications

      • Rebecca May gave linked report for Rebecca Bizonet.

    • PSAC

      • Fall goal is to revamp sub-committee membership.

      • Open forum during SAA 2018 with 20-30 attendees.

      • Hoping to establish a joint repository for implementing metrics with RBMS.

      • Some announcement from Summer Newsletter still needs sent.

      • RBMS session with representation from both SAA & RBMS.

      • Questions about compliance & funding for repository.

  • Review responses to questions and goals during next meeting.

Rebecca May & Julie’s goals for RAO available in agenda for review.



Send comments on this website to 2023-2024 RAO Past Chair/Webmaster, Jay-Marie Bravent.