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Hello Records Management Roundtable!
Are you going to be at SAA in August? Do you have a records management question or a topic you would like to share with the roundtable?
For the Annual Meeting in August, the roundtable meeting (Friday 8/21, 4:30-6:00) is collecting presentation ideas for lightning talks (about 5 minutes) after the business meeting. Along those lines, are there pressing issues, exciting developments, or otherwise unaddressed topics you’d like to discuss during the meeting? If so, please submit your topics in this form.
Here are some suggested topics. Would you like to talk about one of these?
Records management during political controversy
Records Management and Risk Management in Universities (e.g., Title IX)
Records Management and Police Reform (for example, retention scheduling of police body camera footage is something we’re trying to figure out at my university)
Balancing the risk imperative of records management against archival appraisal (building on Brad’s post https://saarmrt.wordpress.com/2013/12/05/archivesrm-ethics-co-opting-and-digital-fireplaces/)
The form will remain open throughout July and August up to the meeting. We have plenty of room on the agenda at this point.
We look forward to your topic suggestions!