PLASC Meeting Minutes 2023 December 20

 Public Library Archives & Special Collections Section Meeting

Society of American Archivists 

Wed., December 20, 2023, 1pm PT/ 2pm MT/ 3pm CT/ 4pm ET


Meeting began at 4:04PM ET 

Present: Erinn Barnes, Joanna Kolosov, Catherine Oseas 

Approve meeting minutes: Joanna, seconded by Erinn Barnes. 

Approve November 15, 2023 meeting minutes

1) 1. Election results

  1. Charmaine 100%. 
  2. Feedback question got no engagement
  3. Informed hannah of roster changes
  4. Do we need to inform the members to sign up for the digest/discussion list

 2)Topics of Interest poll results

 14 results

  1. weeding/deaccessioning is the hottest topic
  2. Second web archiving
  3. Memory lab, county archives, and social media
  4. 1 write in - collaborating with community partners
  5. What do we do with all results? Lunch and learn with web archiving? Panel discussion? Collecting resources? Who are the movers and shakers and how can we get them to do our program.
  6. Joanna to look at funding for honorarium
  7. Memory lab blog post - “Stories from the front line of the memory lab launch” - can be anonymous
  8. Erinn - community webs member. Section microsite. Lunch and learn? Informal
  9. Charmaine offered up Jameka Lewis Blair Caldwell  - Colorado
  10. SAA guideline forms
  11. Have members submit questions before the meeting, to prep speakers for any hot topics

3) Blog - Posts about recipes.

  1. Collections where they asked for recipes and program around recipe sharing
  2. Charmaine - menus in the collection
  3. Two more getting to know you posts (Catherine T., Charmaine)

4) Date/time of 2024 monthly meetings - Same bat time. Same bat channel