PLASC Meeting Minutes 2020 July 14

Public Library Archives & Special Collections Section Meeting

Society of American Archivists

Rescheduled to July 14, 2020, 1pm EST


Present: Angela, Patricia, Jo, Heather, Dylan, Petrina

Notetaking doc

Previous Minutes:

Approve June 10, 2020 meeting minutes. Approved unanimously.

Online Section Meeting


Requested 75 minute meeting using SAA Zoom platform as meeting platform rather than webinar platform. Officers agree multiple conflicts with simultaneously scheduled meetings necessitate rescheduling.  Presenters prefer week of 8/10 if at all possible. 8/11 or 8/12 look promising/possible. 

Outline of Meeting:

    • Section updates and presenter introductions (10 minutes)  - Angela

    • Presentations

      • Johanna Russ (15 minutes)

        • Senior Archival Specialist, Special Collections Division, Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library

      • Beth Loch (15 minutes)

        • Archival Specialist, Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection, Woodson Regional Library, Chicago Public Library

      • Kate Nardin (15 minutes)

        • Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations, Chicago Public Library Foundation


Presenters will be asked if they are comfortable being recorded. 


Having backup copy of slides sent to Angela would be advantageous in case technology issues arise. Original idea by Derek was building program around collections management and collections development. Perhaps one main presenter could frame that and introduce the theme and other presenters could elaborate or build off theme. Grant funding was another theme mentioned as a possible focus and was mentioned to presenters. Outlining differences between main branch and smaller branch libraries/archives might keep the topic relevant for smaller orgs. How do we provide relevance to smaller libraries when the presentation is made by a larger organization?  Lack of strong written policy is common among organizations of all size, acknowledging this could be a good step for conversation/connection among members and discuss what you do have that can provide guidance for saying yes and saying no. The role of public libraries and ability to refer or funnel materials to other repositories. How can the Foundation Relations folks address this topic? How to manage between friends groups and other parties. General best practice and guidance would be the most beneficial to the most people. Brief bios from presenters for intro.

Reimagining PLASC Happy Hour:

Do we still want to do this? Time Zone differences complicate 5:30 aspect. No one spoke out in favor of proceeding with happy hour.

Final Survey Review and Release:

Shared latest draft. Members should test it, keeping in mind time needed and any other thoughts raised by the experience. Shared list of organizations to send survey to, for further distribution to their members. Divide list up to fill in emails. Members each assign roughly 15 orgs to get email contacts and also note if you have access to organization. Assigned members will also be responsible for emailing organizations listed under their name and making a more direct appeal. Some officers with access to group may end up taking over additional role of contacting those orgs. Goal to send email on August 3, 2020.

Petrina entered meeting approximately 1:20 PM. Will email talking points from Council meeting and info about upcoming meeting.

August 12th PLASC meeting canceled. Calendar invite for online section meeting will be sent when the date and time are set (now looking to be either 8/11 or 8/12).

Meeting adjourned 1:45PM Eastern