PLASC Meeting Minutes 2018 June 7

Public Library Archives and Special Collections (PLASC)
Section of the Society of American Archivists

Meeting Minutes

Teleconference (Google Hangouts)

June 7, 2018

In attendance: Lauren Algee, Amy Cooper Cary, Patricia Delara, Suzanne Im, Angela Stanley.

Purpose of Meeting: Analyze membership survey, discuss PLASC section elections.

1.  Membership survey

  • Steering committee will present findings and solicit additional feedback at the annual section meeting to extend understanding of survey results before coming up with next steps

  • Lauren would like to pull together a formalized report with big picture conclusions that link out to the raw data

  • One the the main survey findings indicates a need for PLASC to increase its online presence as well raise awareness amongst members regarding PLASC’s existence. Also need to determine what online “products” will be.

    • Angela created a slide deck on how members can join SAA email lists even if they are not a member

      • Non-members cannot serve as officers, but are more than welcome on the listserv

  • Based on members’ expressed need for expanded online presence, PLASC may need to appoint a webmaster (Amy’s suggestion).

  • Amy suggested PLASC coordinate with Reference and Outreach folks, who are constantly working on advocacy

    • Advocacy has a broad definition in SAA. What does it mean? Internal or as an archivist/awareness, legislative, etc.? 

  • Angela cited a need for clarity on what members need as far as library realm vs. archives realm

  • Amy shared the existing SAA webpage with advocacy resources (; PLASC to determine what it can offer that is distinct from this or yet another list of resources.

  • Angela posed the question: How do we help members advocate internally and externally given the diversity of responses in the survey? 

  • Amy suggested one possibility: create a working group within PLASC to work on an advocacy toolkit for its members

    • Lauren proposed taking lead to work on this as a project for Archives Leadership Institute, to which she had been recently accepted

  • Survey responses regarding the value of public library archives - great read, can potentially be written into advocacy toolkit

2.  PLASC Section Steering Committee elections - Full slate needed ASAP

  • Can keep current slate

  • Need Vice-Chair candidates; serves 1 year as Vice-Chair and 2 years as Chair.

  • Angela interested but also serving as Chair of Annual Meeting Program Committee for the Society of Georgia Archivists.

  • Lauren will put a call out over the PLASC listserv to open up nominations to other interested members.

  • Suzanne is OK with staying on as Secretary.

  • Patricia is OK with staying on as Member at Large.

  • Existing Steering Committee members will be listed as candidates, plus any additional members who want to run for posts.

  • PLASC may need one additional Member at Large, which is appointed by the chair for a 2-year term.

  • Webmaster appointed by the chair (optional).

3.  Next meeting - Section meeting at SAA conference, August 2018, in Washington, DC

  • Lauren, Patricia, Suzanne, and Amy plan to be in attendance.

  • Each selected presenter has confirmed that they will participate in lightning talks at the section meeting. All have been listed on on the conference program schedule.

  • Lauren suggested conducting a shortened paper version of the membership survey for attendees at the annual meeting; to be passed out prior to lightning talks.

  • Amy is also Council Liaison to the Native American Archives section, which is holding its meeting at the same time as PLASC. She will visit the Native American Archives section first, then go to PLASC for rest of time to introduce new liaison.

Action items: 


  • Lauren will email PLASC listserv to solicit self-nominations for Section candidates; open through Sunday, June 10, 2018.

  • Suzanne will group together notes from membership survey analysis.

  • Lauren will inform steering committee when she receives confirmation from ALI regarding possible advocacy project.