Privacy and Confidentiality Section

Welcome to the Privacy and Confidentiality Section!

The Privacy & Confidentiality Section provides a forum for the discussion of privacy and confidentiality issues and their legal and ethical implications for archival practice. The Section convenes during the annual meeting to announce elected officers and hold a program. Topics have ranged from third-party privacy in literary papers, access to medical records, and the types of restrictions placed on archival records. 

The Section's ongoing focus has been the maintenance of a bibliography of privacy and confidentiality-related resources. Other Section projects include Privacy and Confidentiality Perspectives: Archivists and Archival Issues, edited by section members Menzi Behrndt-Klodt and Peter Wosh, and "Choose Privacy Week." 

Membership in the Section is open to all SAA members who are interested in privacy and confidentiality issues.

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News & Announcements

Meeting of the Privacy & Confidentiality Roundtable during the Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists in Cleveland, OH.
The latest issue of the Privacy & Confidentiality Roundtable's newsletter, The Keyhole, is now available.
Read the latest issue of the Privacy & Confidentiality Roundtable Newsletter, available in HTML and PDF formats!
Congratulations to our election winners: - Jeremy Brett, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect - Judith Wiener, Steering Committee member
Frank Boles of SAA's Committee on Archives and Public Policy (CAPP) seeks feedback from the roundtable on a position statement regarding how personal privacy should be defined.
The nominations for the 2015 Privacy & Confidentiality Roundtable Steering Committee have been posted.
At the annual meeting, Frank Boles of SAA's Committee on Archives and Public Policy (CAPP) led a discussion before the roundtable on the archival implications of the NSA mass surveillance.
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