Military Archives Section

The purpose of the Military Archives Section is to create a forum for SAA members to facilitate collaboration and information sharing among archival institutions, universities, governments, legal bodies, and nongovernment agencies that are documenting and preserving records of issues related to the military and military service.

See our Directory of Military Archives.

Read the Military Archives Section Standing Rules

News & Announcements

The SAA Council adopted the motion to approve the Military Archives Roundtable By-Laws on 30 Sept 2013! Thanks to all for your hard work, and a special thanks to Dr. Jim Ginther for his diligence with this project!
Enhance your knowledge of the final major battle of the War of 1812 by joining SAA’s Military Archives Roundtable (MART) on a “staff ride” to study the New Orleans Campaign (December 1814 – January 1815). Examine the Battle of New Orleans using archival sources such as letters, diaries, and maps that tell the story from individual participants’ points of view. Hear from soldiers, sailors, Marines, British military, and pirates! The New Orleans Campaign Staff Ride is a free bus tour open to all SAA members. Registration is limited to 55 people. You can add your name to the list by emailing Jim Ginther at
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