Military Archives Section

The purpose of the Military Archives Section is to create a forum for SAA members to facilitate collaboration and information sharing among archival institutions, universities, governments, legal bodies, and nongovernment agencies that are documenting and preserving records of issues related to the military and military service.

See our Directory of Military Archives.

Read the Military Archives Section Standing Rules

News & Announcements

A short synopsis of the Military Archives Section annual meeting in Portland, Oregon, on 27 July 2017.
The 2017 MARS officer candidates' biographies and statements are posted.
This launch is the culmination of section discussions about how to better communicate with membersship and the research community locations and contact information for military related collections in archives around the country.
MAS will meet July 27, 2017, 2:00-3:15 pm. In addition to section business, there will be presentations on military classification and how to utilize your collections during WWI's centennial years.
Calling all MARTites! Brief list of events for the MART at the Annual Meeting in Cleveland.
The MART will be sponsoring a Staff Ride of the 1814 Chesapeake Campaign, and lead a Lincoln Assassination Immersion Tour. MART Meeting on Aug 13 followed by a social hour.
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