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SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-02-06
11:00am-12:00pm PST
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Meeting ID: 865 350 528
Present: Courtney, Steve, Rachel, Samantha, Sara
Not Present: Kristin, Ruth, Summer
Notetaker: Sara
Check-in on ongoing projects:
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter): Samantha
-People are enjoying the posts, but no responses to Steve’s blog. Courtney/Sam will reshare. Will continue to promote. Sam checks archives group on Facebook, also stuff on Twitter
I&A Liaison/Meeting Minutes: Sara
-Reposted article, still working on minutes
I&A Monthly Recap: Kristin
-Still waiting on recap
Blog master: Samantha
-Kristin’s blog due today. Had some trouble replacing images Summer made.
Research Teams
Archivists on the News- Steve
No February post due to lack of time from potential participants. Will contact March writer. Also has people for April and May.
Blog Series
Steering Shares: everyone! Please refer to Google calendar.
Mid-year intern share: Kristin, 2/6-Courtney will follow up
Mid-year steering share: Samantha, 2/15
Mid-year steering share: Sara 3/1
Rachel-mid/end of March
Archivists on the Issues- Rachel
-Gave Joanna a schedule, sent email. Has another person maybe writing about hearing impaired accessibility, maybe another about racism/discrimination in archives
ICYMI: As needed
Report from other related conferences, etc.
Special Projects
Temp labor survey working group- Courtney, Steve, Sara, Rachel, Angel Diaz
Tentative launch date March 4th. Keep open for 1 month.
Rachel has filled out the survey. Courtney will and look over survey.
Courtney will send out reminder to survey team to look over.
Other things!
Advocacy Design Share- Summer
Summer has been working with Mary from RAAC. Call to go to both I&A and RAAC in next few weeks. Steering Committee to approve before it’s sent out.
Going forward (next year +) I&A will likely need to devote two Steering Committee members to maintaining this project. Will be hosted via I&A Wordpress
Annual Meeting- all
All Section Meetings on Sat. Aug. 3rd this year
-Sessions start Sunday
Who’s going to SAA?
-Steve, maybe Sara
How long a slot do we want?
Collabs? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cuHyBVL7wWC02lF2WnWpfDqMuWrBX-JPuf_c49daZhM/edit#gid=0
Deadline to request meeting time is Friday, March 1st
-Probably an hour. Could also collaborate with another section, maybe SNAP, Labor Archives.
-Share survey results
-$250 in account to spend. Stickers, bookmarks, pens?
Action Items
All: ongoing assignments
Courtney- follow up with Web Archiving Section re: Sunlight Foundation webinar
Follow up with Kristin for Month in Review, Intern Share
Talk to UCLA folks about Zoom update during SAA