Selected Copyright Resources

Best overall introduction to copyright:

  • Peter B. Hirtle, Emily Hudson, and Andrew T. Kenyon, Copyright and Cultural Institutions:  Guidelines for Digitization for U.S. Libraries, Archives and Museums.  Ithaca, NY: Cornel University Library, 2009.  (Available for purchase at the SAA Bookstore, Create Space, and other book retailers, or as a free download.

Best overall introductions to copyright for archivists:

Copyright Law:

On the Public Domain:

On Fair Use

On Orphan Works

On Section 108:

On Digitization:

General Resources

SAA Workshops related to copyright

Other training

Kaeleb says:
Geometry Dash

Geometry Dash has won over a lot of fans thanks to its fun and difficult gameplay, bright graphics, and community of creative people who work together on it. Players keep pushing the game's limits and coming up with creative new levels. It's a great example of how emotion and accuracy can last in the gaming world.

Jones says:
The resources provided by the

The resources provided by the Intellectual Property Working Group offer valuable insights into navigating copyright issues for archivists. These tools are essential for managing and preserving intellectual property rights effectively. book editing services