EAD RT Steering Team Minutes for 2015 February 9

Present: Monish Singh, Suzanne Maggard, Ruth Kitchin Tillman, Jodi Allison-Bunnell

Absent: Laura Starratt

1. Checking in: RT agenda for year


Release date: Late Feb/early March. Need to clarify what SAA processes still have to happen. Jodi will check in with Mike on those processes.

EAD3 Study Groups

Good to nudge them now but nothing to do until EAD3 is released. Goal to get groups going and finish/report out by August. Jodi and Monish will do this.


Need to be prepared to be responsive once EAD3 is released.

Ruth and Suzanne will get in touch with Kelcy and TS-EAD to coordinate the availability of resources as the release happens.


Jodi and Monish met with DPLA staff in November to discuss DPLA’s interest in providing support for EAD and interest in using EAD as context for digital content. They expressed interest in the latter.

Jodi prepared a statement in Google Docs for the RT to review, but no action yet. She will send the link to the group after today’s meeting. She’ll then send it DPLA with apologies for the long delay.

2. Update on Open Finding Aids project

Jodi gave an update on the project, which has a public-facing website at http://www.oclc.org/research/activities/finding-aid-metadata.html

Jodi will send out the public-facing project site to the RT ST.

3. 2015 meeting preps

We have a program description due to SAA by February 16. Elements to include: presumed release of EAD3, EAD3 FAQ and other resources we’ve prepared to aid those adopting it or considering adoption, presentation by EAD3 Study Groups (pending check-in with leaders this week), presentation by Open Finding Aids project, and other

Jodi will write this week and circulate for approval.