Lavender Legacies: Bibliography

GLBT Archives, Libraries, Collections and Related Subjects: A Select Bibliography

Compiled by Mary Caldera

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Berman, Sanford, 1993. Prejudices and antipathies: A tract on the LC subject heads concerning people. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.

Bundy, Mary Lee and Frederick J. Stielow. 1987. Overview of an era. In Activism in American Librarianship, 1962-1973, eds. Mary Lee Bundy and Frederick J. Stielow, 5-10. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood.

Carmichael, James V., Jr., ed. 1998. Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Carmichael, James V., Jr. 1998a. Homosexuality and United States libraries: Land of the free, but not home to the gay. Proceeding 64th IFLA General Conference.

Carmichael, James V., Jr. 2000. “They sure got to prove it by me”: Millennial thoughts on gay archives, gay biography, and gay library history. Libraries and Culture 35, no. 1 (Winter).

Carmichael, James V., Jr. and Marilyn Shontz L. 1996. “The last socially acceptable prejudice: Gay and lesbian issues, social responsibilities, and coverage of these topics in MLIS/LIS programs. The Library Quarterly 66 (January):21-58

Cook, Blanche Wiesen. 1979. The historical denial of lesbianism. Radical History Review 20 (Spring/Summer): 60-65.

Cooper, Janet. 1998. Librarians as cultural enforcers. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 113-119. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Creason, Glen. 1990. Anatomy of a hate crime. The Communicator 23, nos. 9-12 (Sept-Dec): 19-20.

Creelman, Jane A. E. and Roma M. Harris, 1990. Coming out: The information needs of lesbians. Collection Building 10, no. 3-4: 37-41.

Cvetkovich, Ann. 2002. In the archives of lesbian feelings: Documentary and popular culture. Camera Obscura 49 vol. 17, no 1: 107-147.

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D’Emilio, John. 1989. Not a simple matter: Gay history and gay historians. Journal of American History 76, no. 2 (Sept): 435-442.

Duberman, Martin. 1989. “Writhing bedfollows” in Antebellum South Carolina: Historical interpretation and the politics of evidence. In Hidden from History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, eds. Martin Duberman, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, Jr., 153-168.

Embardo, Ellen. 1990. Directories of special collections on social movements evolving from the Vietnam era. Reference Services Review 18, no. 2 (Fall): 59-95.

Faderman, Lillian. 1997. Who hid lesbian history? Journal of Lesbian Studies 1, no. 2.

Fishman, Isreal D. 1998. Reclaiming a founding. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 107-112. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Freedman, Estelle. 1982. Resources for lesbian history. In Lesbian studies: Present and future, ed. Margaret Cruikshank, 110-114. Old Westbury, New York: Feminist Press.

Freedman, Estelle. 1998. “The burning of letters continues”: Elusive identities and the historical construction of sexuality. Journal of Women’s History 9, no. 4:181-200.

Gittings, Barbara. 1978. Combating the lies in libraries. In The Gay Academic, ed. Louie Crew, 107-118. Palm Springs, California: ETYC Publications.

Gittings, Barbara. 1991. Gays in libraryland: The Gay and Lesbian task Force of the American Library Association: The first sixteen years. WLW Journal 14, no. 3 (Spring): 7-13. Also in Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 81-93. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Gladney, Margaret Rose. 1998. Biographical research on lesbigay subjects: Editing the letters of Lillian Smith. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 47-54. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Gough, Cal. 1998. The Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Task Force of the American Library Association: A chronology of activities, 1970-1995. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 121-132. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Gough, Cal and Ellen Greenblatt, eds. 1990. Gay and Lesbian Library Service. Jefferson: McFarland.

Gough, Cal and Ellen Greenblatt. 1992. Services to gay and lesbian patrons: Examining the myths. Library Journal 117, no.1: 59-63.

Hildenbrand, Suzanne (ed). 1986. Women’s Collections: Libraries, Archives, Consciousness. New York: Haworth.

Huffine, Richard L. 1998. Social responsibility and acceptable prejudice. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 213-215. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Joyce, Steven L. 2000. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual library service: A review of the literature. Public Libraries 39, no. 5 (September/October): 270-279.

Kester, Norman G. (ed,) 1997. Liberating Minds: The Stories and Professional Lives of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Librarians and Their Advocates. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.

Kester, Norman G. 1998. “Queer histories/queer librarians: The historical development of the gay monograph. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 65-78. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Knowlton, Elizabeth. 1987. Documenting the gay rights movement. Provenance V, no. 1 (Spring):17-30.

Kravitz, Linda. 1995. Virginia citizens mobilize. Library Advocate 3, no. 4 (Winter): 3-4.

Lahusen, Kay Tobin and Barbara Gittings. 1998. A personal task force scrapbook: ‘Incunabula,’ 1971-1972 and after. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 95-105. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Licata, Salvatore J. 1980/81. The homosexual movement in the United States: A traditionally overlooked area in American history. Journal of Homosexuality 6, no ½ (Fall/Winter): 161-189.

Marshall, Joan. 1972. LC labeling: An indictment. In Revolting Librarians, eds. Celeste West, et al., 45-49. San Francisco: Booklegger.

Maynard, Steven. 1991-92. “The burning willful evidence”: Lesbian/gay history and archival research. Archivaria 33 (Winter): 195-201.

Minton, Henry L. 1992. The emergence of gay and lesbian studies. In Gay and Lesbian Studies, 1-6. New York: Haworth.

Robbins, Louise S. 1998. A closet curtained by circumspection: Doing research on the McCarthy Era purge of gays from the Library of Congress. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 55-64. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Roscoe, Will. 1991. History’s future: Reflections on lesbian and gay history in the community. In Gay and Lesbian Studies, ed. Henry L. Minton, 161-179. New York: Haworth.

Rupp, Leila J.1997. “Imagine my Surprise”: Women’s relationships in historical perspective. Journal of Lesbian Studies 1, no. 2: 155-176.

Ryan Caitlin and Judy Bradford. 1998. “Methodological issues in research with lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals.” In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 27-35. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Schwarz, Judith. 1978. Researching lesbian history. Sinister Wisdom 5 (Winter) 55-59

Schwarz, Judith. 1992. The archivist’s balancing act: Helping researchers while protecting individual privacy. The Journal of American History 79 (June): 179-189.

Steakley, James D. 1983. Anniversary of a book burning. Advocate (June): 369.

Taylor, Marvin J. 1993. Queer things from old closets: Libraries—gay and lesbian studies—queer theory. Rare Books and Librarianship 8, no. 1: 19-34.

Thistlewaite, Polly J. 1995. The lesbian and gay past: An interpretive background. Gay Community News (Boston) 2 (Winter): 10-11, 24.

Whitt, Alisa. 1993. The information needs of lesbians. Library Information Science Research 15: 275-288.


Kepner, Jim. 1998. An accidental institution: How and why a gay and lesbian archives? In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 175-182. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Marston, Brenda J. 1998. Archivists, activists, and Scholars: Creating a queer history. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 135-152. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Nestle, Joan. 1990. The will to remember: The Lesbian Herstory Archives of New York. Feminist Review 34 (Spring): 86-99.

Parkinson, Phil; and Chris Parkin. 1998. Safe harbour: The origin and growth of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand. In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 183-201. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Thistlewaite, Polly. 1990. The Lesbian Herstory Archives. In Gay and Lesbian Library Service, eds. Cal Gough and Ellen Greenblatt, 61-64. Jefferson: McFarland.

Thistlewaite, Polly. 1998. “Building ‘A home of our own’: The Construction of the Lesbian Herstory Archives.’ In Daring to Find Our Names: The Search for Lesbigay Library History, ed. James V. Carmichael, Jr., 153-174. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.