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Glossary Citation The history of integrated pest management (IPM) traces its first real beginnings to the late 1960s, where a number of factors came together to initiate a search for better methods of pest control than simple reliance on prophylactic pesticide use. These f cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [archival integrity] A basic standard derived from the principle of provenance and the registry principle which requires that an archive/record group shall be preserved in its entirety without division, mutilation, alienation, unauthorized destruction or cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation X.509 is viewed throughout the Information Technology (IT) industry as the definitive reference for designing applications related to Public Key Infrastructures (PKI). The elements defined within X.509 are widely utilized – from securing the connection be cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation A growing number of archivists are now urging that archival appraisal return to basics and pay more attention to the documentation of program accountability, which suggests that the informational value of information application systems may be eclipsed by cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation In a corporate environment it is much more important to appraise records for their informational value than for their evidential value. My experience at Kraft and Ford shows that executives and employees tend to request bits and pieces of information fro cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The secondary value of records can be ascertained most easily if they are considered in relation to two kinds of matters: 1) the evidence they contain of the organization and functions of the Government body that produced them, and 2) the information they cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Infotainment is the presentation of information as entertainment on television and through multimedia; the word is sometimes applied pejoratively to news bulletins which overemphasize entertainment at the expense of information. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Data are numerical quantities or other attributes derived from observation, experiment, or calculation. ¶ Information is a collection of data and associated explanations, interpretations, and other textual material concerning a particular object, ev cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation [information] A theory of information was first formulated in 1948 by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver as a theory of communication to study the receiving, conserving, processing, and transmitting of signals. The notion of information, however, goes back cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Information systems accept (as inputs), store (in files or a data base), and display (as outputs) strings of symbols that are grouped in various ways (digits, alphabetical characters, special symbols). Users of the information systems attribute some valu cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Information architecture can be seen as four interrelated architectural views, namely information architecture, business architecture, application architecture and technology architecture [citing Finnerman]. This view is based on the Zachman framework. An cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The term was coined in the aftermath of the spread of computers and the corresponding revolution in information-handling techniques. Information science therefore inevitably pays substantial attention to, but is not confined to, what can be achieved with cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Originally US; the abbreviation IT is not recorded before 1982. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Info has been a colloquial abbreviation of information for most of this century, but it was only with the increasing influence of information technology and the vogue for snappy combining forms that compounds began to appear. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The term with its classical etymology had been coined simultaneously in more than one place and in more than one language. Before long 'informatics' evolved into a generic term in American English for computer applications in any field and was widely adop cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Informatics studies the representation, processing, and communication of information in natural and artificial systems. It has computational, cognitive and social aspects. The central notion is the transformation of information – whether by computation o cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Data are numerical quantities or other attributes derived from observation, experiment, or calculation. Information is a collection of data and associated explanations, interpretations, and other textual material concerning a particular object, event, or cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Information must be distinguished from any medium capable of carrying it. A physical medium (such as a magnetic disk) may carry a logical medium (data, such as binary or text symbols). The information content of any physical objects, or logical data, cann cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation When it comes to conducting business online, an organization can only use identities that are trusted. That's where the real value of identity management lies. An effective identity management solution establishes trust in an organization's online environ cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation All images1 constitute a record, irrespective of the value we may attach to the information they contain. The unique property of photographic records reside in their ability to capture a moment in time and to highlight the inevitable passing of time. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation Digital objects are not immutable therefore, the change history of the object must be maintained over time to ensure its authenticity and integrity. cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation This word came into use in the mid eighties. Like export, it usually now implies the movement of data into an application, most frequently data which is in another format and which has to be translated by the receiving application. So a user may add new r cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation A superficial examination of a printed index would reveal that search engines available at this writing [2001] could retrieve many of its references from the full text of a work, but it is also clear that they could not build the web of relationships and cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation One of the tools that they used in humanizing the workplace was a new form of internal communication, in the in-house magazine or shop paper. Its function was described in a 1918 article. 'Many shops have outgrown the one-man stage. No longer can the he cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm
Glossary Citation The two key terms in this field, hypermedia and hypertext, were both introduced in the mid sixties. Hypermedia is a method of structuring information in a mixture of media (text, video, graphics) in such a way that related items of information are connec cp_admin 05/24/2011 - 12:11pm