Recent posts from groups

The AHS Award Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Patricia Kennedy Grimsted's chapter "Pan-European Displaced Archives in the Russian Federation: Still Prisoners of War on the 70th Anniversary of V-E Day" from the 2017 book Displaced Archives edited by James Lowry for the inaugural Archival History Article Award.   AHS created this prize to encourage and reward articles or other short pieces of superior excellence in the field of archival history. The committee was impressed by...
Aug 13, 2018   Archival History Section
Society of American ArchivistsNative American Archives Section (NAAS) Annual Meeting AgendaWednesday, August 15, 2018, 4:00 PM – 5:15 PMMarriott Wardman Park Hotel, Virginia C, [Lobby Level] (2660 Woodley Road NW, Washington, DC 20008) Call to order, introductions, section business (4:00 - 4:20) Acknowledgment and Welcome (Ricky Punzalan, Chair) SAA Council Report (Amy Cooper Cary) Other SAA-related Announcements Election Results, Current Steering Committee Stephen Curley, Chair...
Hello, Oral History Section Members, The oral history artifact is a fascinating piece of documentary evidence. This year, through my position as chair of the Oral History Section, and through work projects and readings, I came to a deeper understanding of the art and practice of oral history methodologies.  I reviewed Oral History Theory (2nd Edition) by Lynn Abrams in the Society of Georgia Archivists’ journal, Provenance. In her book, Abrams posits that the oral history is a communication...
Aug 11, 2018   Oral History Section
Palos Verdes Library District: Bringing the Oral History Program into the Digital Age Monique Sugimoto, Archivist and Local History Librarian, Palos Verdes Library District  The Palos Verdes Library District’s (PVLD) oral history program started with the 1976 Bicentennial celebration and a desire to capture the voices of our own community’s forefathers. Since then, with changes in technology, we have seen an evolution in the way we record, archive and disseminate the voices of our community. A...
Aug 10, 2018   Oral History Section
Earlier this year, the Public Library Archives / Special Collections Section (PLASC) conducted a survey to gather information from former, current, and prospective PLASC section members to determine member needs and how PLASC can best serve its section.  The survey report, questions, and raw data can now be accessed via Google Drive. The PLASC steering committee will lead a discussion of the survey results during the annual section meeting on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. 
Click here to view the schedule for CPS Day >>
 The 2018-19 roster is as follows: Chair, 2018-19 Sarah Cunningham (   Incoming Chair, 2019-20 Patrick Midtlyng (   Web/Media Liaison Calvin Rydbom (   Newsletter Editor Kelly Applegate (   Steering Committee – -      Judy Chou ( -      Laura Starratt ( -      Shannon Erb ( -      JA Pryse (   Congratulations to all who were on...
Online Launch of the Craft & Folk Art Museum Oral History Project Joan Benedetti, formerly Librarian-Cataloger at the L.A. County Museum of Art Library and Museum Librarian at the Craft and Folk Art Museum  The Craft & Folk Art Museum (CAFAM) Oral History Project provides a window into the history of an institution that is considered by many a cultural icon in Los Angeles, and into my own introduction to working with oral histories. Two years after CAFAM held a grand re-opening...
Aug 7, 2018   Oral History Section
Performing Arts Section Agenda, Wednesday August 15, 2:30-3:45 p.m., Washington 6 Call to Order Business Meeting (2:30-3:00) Updates from Council Rep PAR Updates/Election Announcement Member Updates Presentation and discussion (3:00-3:45): "Preserving Dance in Living Archives: Tools and Programs for the Community," given by Genie Guerard, Curator, UCLA Library Special Collections and Trustee, Dance/USA Adjournment (3:45)
Aug 6, 2018   Performing Arts Section
By Hathaway Hester, Archivist & Digital Preservation Librarian, National Association of REALTORS® Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) is the largest trade organization in the United States, with over 1.3 million members. The association’s mission is to “help its members become more profitable and successful” through professional development, research and education, public awareness campaigns, and political advocacy.   NAR Logo, 1923-1973.   Prior...
Aug 5, 2018   Business Archives Section
Interview with Oral History Section Steering Committee Member Katie McCormick Below, newsletter editor Melissa Lindberg interviews Oral History Section (OHS) Steering Committee Member Katie McCormick (pictured below) about her experience working with oral history collections and with OHS leadership. Will her story inspire you to get more involved with the Oral History Section? We hope so! Q: What kind of experience have you had working with oral history collections?  A: My first work with oral...
Aug 4, 2018   Oral History Section
Thank You all for voting in the most recent RAO election.   Your collective participation in the RAO Section is always appreciated – and for those who step up to run for leadership roles.   This year there were no uncontested spots on the ballot.   We thank the following candidates for stepping into the 2018-2019 leadership roles:       Rebecca May as the 2018-2019 RAO Chair                   Julie Porterfield as the 2018-2019 RAO Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect           Amanda Hawk as 2018-2019 RAO...
Election Results: Chair: Blake Relle; Archives Specialist C; Louisiana State Archives Vice Chair/Incoming Chair: Emily Gonzalez; Archivist, Cambridge Historical Commission Steering Committee: Diana Banning; City of Portland Archives & Records Management (Oregon) Phillip Smith: County Government Records Archives Assistant, Knox County Archives Christina Bryant: Department Head Louisiana Division/City Archives; New Orleans Public Library
The agenda for our joint Section meeting with the Audio and Moving Image Section and the Visual Materials Section on Thursday, August 16 from 4:15 pm - 5:30pm is now available online. See you in D.C.!
The Archival History Section Steering Committee is excited to announce the schedule for the AHS meeting in DC on Thursday August 16, 4:15 – 5:30 pm. The Archival History Section will include an update on Archival History News, the awarding of the inaugural Archival History Article Award, and a panel and discussion: “Guide to Navigation in Perilous Times: Journeys through Archival History and Historiography” with presentations Drs. Alex H. Poole (Drexel University) and Ciaran B. Trace (The...
Jul 25, 2018   Archival History Section
These suggested readings are intended to complement and enhance the Archival History Section panel presentation, “A Guide to Navigation in Perilous Times: Journeys through Archival History and Historiography” by Dr. Alex H. Poole and Dr. Ciaran B. Trace.  Drs. Poole and Trace will draw from their recently published scholarship to introduce and discuss the nature and relevance of archival history and historiography at the AHS meeting Thursday August 16, 4:15 – 5:30 pm Bibliography 1.      ...
Jul 24, 2018   Archival History Section
The Preservation Section has an exciting program planned for Wednesday, August 15th at 4 PM. The heart of the program will be a panel on Transparency in Disaster Recovery: Nicole Davis, Supervisory Archivist at the Museum of Flight, SeattleDiane Wells, Archivist & Records Manager at the Diocese of OlympiaPresentation Title: With a Little Help from My Friends: Creating SHERN, an Emergency Response NetworkPresentation Abstract: Archivists, librarians, and museum professionals in Seattle have...
Jul 24, 2018   Preservation Section
NEW! Preservation bookmarks featuring the agents of deterioration are now available to download.  Did you hear about the great preservation bookmarks that the Preservation Section premiered at SAA 2017? Missed your opportunity to snag a set? Need extras?  Now you can download and print your own!
Jul 24, 2018   Preservation Section
  If you are attending SAA this year in Washington DC, you don’t want to miss this year’s special staff ride.  We will be visiting the Women in Military Service for America Memorial (WIMSA) on the morning of August 14th.  The curator of the memorial will be giving us a personal tour of the memorial and their collections.   If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Laura Jowdy at  The group will meet at the conference hotel and will leave at 9:00 to ride the metro...
Jul 18, 2018   Military Archives Section
  Something important to you missing from this newsletter? Send a submission my way and let me know what you would like to see. Please submit newsletter items about archives and human rights (writ broadly) to These can be recent publications, upcoming events or exhibitions, opportunities and scholarships, or something else entirely as long as it connects to archives and human rights. For the July newsletter, please send you submission by July 24, 2018.