preservation microfilm |
preservation methods and techniques |
preservation metadata |
preservation laboratory |
preservation index |
Preservation Environment Monitor |
preservation copy |
preservation |
prescribed source |
preprint |
preliminary inventory |
precoordinate indexing |
precision |
preamble |
practical obscurity |
powdering |
posting up |
poster |
postcustodial theory of archives |
postcoordinate indexing |
postcombination indexing |
postcard |
post |
positive |
portrait orientation |
portrait |
portfolio |
portal |
Portable Document Format |
polyvinyl chloride |
polyvinyl acetate |
polypropylene |
polyethylene |
polyester |
policy |
polarity |
platter |
plate |
plat |
planetary camera |
planar |
plan |
plaintext |
placard |
PL |
pixmap |
pixilation |
pixel depth |
pixel |
Pittsburgh Project |
piracy |
pigment print |
pigeonhole |
piece count |
piece |
picture show |
picture postcard |
picture |
physical restriction note |
physical record |
physical form |
physical custody |
physical control |
Photostat |
photomontage |
photomicrography |
photomechanical |
photographic print |
photographic archives |
Photographic Activity Test |
photograph |
photocopy |
Photo CD |
phonotape |
phonorecord |
phonography |
phonograph record |
phonograph |
phonodisc |
phonetic index |
phased preservation |
Phased Alternation by Line |
phase box |
pH |
petition |
pertinence |
perspective |
personal papers |
personal name |
personal file |
personal computer |
person |
Persistent Uniform Resource Locator |
persistent object preservation |
permuted index |
permit |
permission |