SAA’s new Dictionary of Archives Terminology has superseded this Glossary as of 4/29/2020.

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From the information security point of view, 'Digital signature' means the result of applying to specific information certain specific technical processes described below. The historical legal concept of 'signature' is broader. It recognizes any mark made

p. 3
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From the information security point of view, 'Digital signature' means the result of applying to specific information certain specific technical processes described below. The historical legal concept of 'signature' is broader. It recognizes any mark made with the intention of authenticating the marked document. [Note: See, e.g., U.C.C. §1-201(39) (1992).] In a digital setting, today's broad legal concept of 'signature' may well include markings as diverse as digitized images of paper signatures, typed notations such as '/s/ John Smith,' or even addressing notations, such as electronic mail origination headers.

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