SAA’s new Dictionary of Archives Terminology has superseded this Glossary as of 4/29/2020.

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Copyright law delineates a bundle of exclusive rights that could conceivably be expressed in a DRM system. The extent of these rights, however, is limited by several exceptions, and it is harder to program in exceptions. One such exception is the fair us

p. 14
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Copyright law delineates a bundle of exclusive rights that could conceivably be expressed in a DRM system. The extent of these rights, however, is limited by several exceptions, and it is harder to program in exceptions. One such exception is the fair use exception Section 107. This example calls for a judge to balance four factors, and no one factor definitively weighs for or against fair use. DRM systems are designed for precision, not for balancing, with the default configuration intended to minimize or prevent perfect copying. Thus, the system usually bars activities that would otherwise be legal.

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