Action Alert: Oppose Elimination of IMLS and NEH!

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April 3, 2014--House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan has proposed elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the National Endowment for the Humanities in the FY 15 federal budget.  Contact your Member of Congress now to state your opposition to Ryan’s budget proposal.  Ask him/her to contact Rep. Ryan and the members of the House Budget Committee to support robust funding for these critically important agencies. Tell your Representative specifically how IMLS and/or NEH funding has benefited your organization or the archives or cultural institutions in your region or state.

For more information see:

For specifics of Ryan’s proposal, see page 51 of

Contact information for members of the House is available at:  If your Representative is a member of the House Budget Committee (see below), it is particularly important to make contact.

Members of the House Budget Committee:

Paul Ryan, Chair (WI-01)
Tom Price, Vice Chair (GA-06)
Chris Van Hollen, Ranking Member (D, MD-08)
Scott Garrett (R, NJ-05)
John Campbell (R, CA-45)
Ken Calvert (R, CA-42)
Tom Cole (R, OK-04)
Tom McClintock (R, CA-04)
James Lankford (R, OK-05)
Diane Black, (R, TN-06)
Reid Ribble (R,WI-08)
Bill Flores (R, TX-17)
Todd Rokita (R, IN-04)
Rob Woodall (R, GA-07)
Marsha Blackburn (R, TN-07)
Alan Nunnelee (R, MS-01)
Scott Rigell (R, VA-02)
Vicky Hartzler (R, MO-04)
Jackie Walorski (R, IN-02)
Luke Messer (R, IN-06)
Tom Rice, (R, SC-07)
Roger Williams (R, TX-25)
Sean Duffy (R, WI-07)
John Yarmuth (D, KY-03)
Bill Pascrell (D, NJ-09)
Tim Ryan (D, OH-17)
Gwen Moore (D, WI-04)
Kathy Castor (D, FL-11)
Jim McDermott (D, WA-07)
Barbara Lee (D, CA-13)
Hakeem Jeffries (D, NY-08)
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D, NM-01)
Jared Huffman (D, CA-02)
Tony Cardenas (D, CA-29)
Earl Blumenauer (D, OR-03)
Kurt Schrader (D, OR-05)

1 Comment(s) to the "Action Alert: Oppose Elimination of IMLS and NEH!"
Danny says: