Society of Southwest Archivists

Number of Members: 
Society of Southwest Archivists
P.O. Box 301311
Austin, TX 78703-0022
United States
Associated Organization Contact(s)
  • Norie Guthrie
    President (2023-2024)
    Rice University
    Archivist, Special Collections Librarian Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library
    Rice University
    6100 Main St.
    MS 44 Rice University P.O. Box 1892
    Houston, TX 77251-1892
    United States

The Society of Southwest Archivists is a professional organization established to stimulate and make available research in archival administration and records management, promote sound principles and standards for preserving and administering records, foster opportunities for education and training of archivists, records managers, and custodians of private papers, and strengthen relations with others in allied disciplines and with organizations and institutions having mutual interests in the preservation and use of our recorded heritage.

SSA serves over 550 archivists, special collections librarians, preservationists, conservators, records managers, and others interested in the preservation of our documentary heritage. The six states in our region are Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, but our members come from almost every state and several countries.