Open Society Archives

Number of Members: 
25 - 30
The Goldberger House
Arany János 32.
Budapest 1051
Phone: 36-1-327-3250
Fax: 36-1-327-3260
General Email:
Associated Organization Contact(s)
  • István Rév
    Arany János 32.
    Budapest 1051
    United States

An archival laboratory, the Open Society Archives (OSA) experiments with new ways to contextualize its primary sources related to recent history and human rights. It develops innovative tools to explore, represent, or bridge traditional archival collections in a digital environment. Archival work is organically combined with educational and public programs, including lectures, exhibitions, performances and film screenings. Through all its endeavors, OSA advocates for equal rights to information; the ethical use of private data; open formats and standards; and broad access to knowledge and cultural heritage.

OSA is part of the Central European University (