Delaware Valley Archivists Group

Number of Members: 
$15.00/year; $40 for 3 years
Delaware Valley Archivists Group
PO Box 17162
Philadelphia, PA 19105-7162
United States
General Email:
Associated Organization Contact(s)

The Delaware Valley Archivists Group (DVAG) was established in 1980 to provide area archivists the opportunity to talk and visit archives of all sizes throughout the region. Since its inception, DVAG has sought to: promote the preservation of historic documents; provide a forum where professional issues can be discussed and where colleagues can meet; promote professional growth through continuing education; and educate the general public about the administrative, legal, fiscal, historical and cultural value of public and private archives and manuscript collections. DVAG holds quarterly meetings and offers periodic workshops for members at all levels of ability. Meetings take place in a variety of locations throughout the Delaware Valley region, ranging from the area’s largest archives to one- and two-person departments.

DVAG also sponsors Archives Month Philly, a month-long celebration of archives, special collections libraries, and cultural institutions held annually in October.

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