Council Exemplary Service Award: SAA Diversity Committee

Society of American Archivists
Council Exemplary Service Award



WHEREAS the past year has seen an increase in race-based violence throughout the country, which which led the Society to discuss and begin addressing the impact of institutional racism in archives; and

WHEREAS the SAA Diversity Committee facilitated two public programs to discuss and solicit feedback on the Black Lives and Archives statement issued by the Council on June 2, 2020; and

WHEREAS the SAA Diversity Committee, through the leadership and coordination of Kelly Wooten and Teresa Mora and with significant support from Committee members, has performed notable service to SAA by reviewing and compiling the copious feedback and insights captured during the Black Lives and Archives sessions; and

WHEREAS the Diversity Committee has analyzed and consolidated the listening session data into four overarching and interconnected themes: 1) Recruitment and Retention, 2) Structural Barriers within SAA, 3) Participation in and/or Offering of DEI Training, and 4) Archival Practices; and has written and submitted a comprehensive report entitled “Feedback and Recommendations Following Black Lives and Archives Forums”; and

WHEREAS in its report, the Diversity Committee recommended specific actions and strategies that lay the groundwork for the Society’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) and cultural competency work plans;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the SAA Diversity Committee, be honored with a 2021 SAA Council Exemplary Service Award for their outstanding contributions to the Society’s ongoing DEIA/cultural competency efforts.


Presented on August 3, 2021.