NARA Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Disposition of ICE Detainee Records

- Comments: 3

June 28, 2019—The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has announced that it is in the final stages of a records scheduling process with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for schedule DAA-0567-2015-0013, Detainee Records. The schedule, which covers records related to deaths of detainees and allegations of sexual assault and abuse of detainees, received a record number of public comments when initially released in 2017.

SAA Foundation Names 2019 Annual Meeting Travel Award Recipients

June 25, 2019—The SAA Foundation Board is pleased to announce the following recipients of its 2019 Joint Annual Meeting Travel Award:

ARL/SAA Mosaic Program 2019–2021 Fellows Selected

Mark A. Puente | 202-296-2296 | | June 18, 2019

Early-Career Members: Volunteer for SAA Appointed Groups

SAA’s appointed groups are now seeking to mentor early-career members! Students and new professionals (with three or fewer years of experience in the profession) are encouraged to apply for this unique mentoring and leadership development experience.

May Council Meeting Minutes Available Now

The minutes for the May 20-22 Council meeting and the final approved Fiscal Year 2020 budget are now available here

Call for Comments: Tragedy Response Toolkit Drafts

- Comments: 4

June 12, 2019—The Society of American Archivists Tragedy Response Initiative Task Force has drafted templates that will be publicly accessible for archival response when tragedy occurs within our communities. Our hope is that providing these templates will help offset some of the stress to those charged with archiving material created as a result of tragic situations involving loss of life within the community.

Call for Member Comments: SAA Code of Conduct and Equal Opportunity Policy

- Comments: 20

June 5, 2019—The SAA Council seeks member comment on proposed revisions to the SAA Code of Conduct and the Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination Policy. These statements establish SAA's commitment to providing a safe and inclusive environment in both physical  and virtual spaces for all SAA members and participants. 

Bipartisan Group Introduces Legislation to Reauthorize NHPRC

Four members of Congress are co-sponsoring legislation that would reauthorize the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), the grant-making arm of the National Archives and Records Administration, at $15 million annually from fiscal years 2020 to 2025.  Authorization for the agency expired in 2009, but it has continued to receive funding at a much lower level (e.g., $6 million last year).