Tools & Services Courses

Tools & Services courses focus on specific tools and services that archivists need to use for their work with digital archives. They are practical courses focused on specific software products and other tools and they focus primarily, but not exclusively, on the needs of practitioner archivists. These courses present information that an archivist could implement immediately.

Courses Format Archivist Audiences Other Audiences
Archival Collections Management Systems Web Practitioner IT Professional, Librarian, Records Manager
Command Line Interface 1-day Practitioner, Manager Museum Professional, Records Manager
Crosswalking Metadata 1-day Practitioner, Manager Librarian, Museum Professional,
Digital Forensics: Advanced 2-day Administrator IT Professional, Legal Professional, Records Manager, Librarian
Fundamentals of Research Data Curation Web Practictioner, Manager  
Preservation Formats in the Context of PDF Web Practitioner, Manager Librarian, Museum Professional, Records
Tool Selection and Management 1-day Practitioner, Manager IT Professional

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